All posts by Hiren

Six Benefits of an Underground Invisible Pet Fence

Six Benefits of an Underground Invisible Pet Fence

By Kelley Kombrinck

A person petting a dog Description automatically generated” width=”108″ height=”162″>As pet owners, ensuring the safety and well-being of our furry friends is a top priority. One solution that has gained significant popularity in recent years is the underground invisible pet fence. This innovative system offers numerous benefits for both pets and their owners. In this article, we will delve into the hidden advantages of installing an underground invisible pet fence and understand why it has become a preferred choice for pet safety.

The electric underground pet fence was invented in the early 1970s and the patent was bought by current Pet Stop president John Purtell who created an installation and training process for utilizing the technology. He founded the first hidden fence company, Invisible Fence™ and introduced the world to a new era of pet safety.

The underground fence works by burying wire along a designated boundary or boundaries that emits a radio signal created by a transmitter. This signal is detected by a receiver, worn on the dog’s collar, if it gets within a certain distance of the boundary. When the receiver detects the signal, it delivers a mild static correction or a vibration signal. This correction is intended to startle or deter the dog from crossing the boundary. The intensity of the correction can often be adjusted to suit the dog’s size and temperament.

  1. Safety without Obstruction:

Traditional above-ground fences can obstruct the view of your yard and create a barrier between your pet and the outside world. However, an underground invisible pet fence eliminates this issue entirely. It allows your pet to roam freely while maintaining an unobstructed view, giving them a sense of openness and freedom. With the invisible fence, your pet can enjoy the outdoors without compromising their safety.

  1. Preserves Aesthetics:

An underground invisible pet fence is an excellent option for pet owners who value their landscaping and want to maintain the aesthetic appeal of their property. Unlike visible fences, which can sometimes clash with the overall design or style of your yard, an invisible fence remains hidden from view. This allows you to preserve the natural beauty of your surroundings while still providing a safe and secure space for your pet.

  1. Flexibility and Customization:

Underground invisible pet fences provide unparalleled flexibility and customization options. These systems can be tailored to suit your specific needs and the size and layout of your property. You can define the boundaries precisely, ensuring that your pet stays within the designated area. Additionally, most systems allow you to adjust the signal strength and correction levels, ensuring that it matches your pet’s size, breed, and temperament.Enhanced Pet Training:

  1. Enhanced Pet Training

One of the most significant benefits of an underground invisible pet fence is the opportunity for effective training. The fence acts as a visual and audible boundary for your pet, teaching them to stay within the designated area. With proper training and positive reinforcement, pets quickly learn to associate the boundaries with safety. This helps to instill discipline and prevent them from straying onto roads or neighboring properties.

  1. Cost-effective Solution:

Compared to traditional fences, underground invisible pet fences are often more cost-effective. Constructing physical fences can be an expensive endeavor, especially for large yards or areas with challenging terrain. Additionally, visible fences may require regular maintenance and repairs over time. In contrast, once installed, invisible fences require minimal upkeep, resulting in long-term savings for pet owners.

  1. Preserves Neighborhood Relationships:

Installing an underground invisible pet fence can help preserve positive relationships with neighbors. Pets that wander into neighboring properties can sometimes cause disputes or conflicts. With an invisible fence, you can ensure that your pet stays within your property boundaries, minimizing the chances of accidental trespassing or damage to others’ property. This promotes harmony within the community and fosters good relationships with your neighbors.

An underground invisible pet fence provides numerous advantages that enhance the safety, freedom, and overall well-being of your beloved pets. From preserving the aesthetics of your property to allowing flexible customization options, these hidden fences are a cost-effective and efficient solution for pet owners. Additionally, the training benefits and positive neighborhood interactions make them a worthwhile investment. By considering an underground invisible pet fence, you can create a safe and secure environment for your pet while maintaining the beauty of your surroundings.

For more great information about keeping your dogs happy, healthy and safe, check out the Pet Stop Blog Page!

The Origin of Popular Dog Breeds

The Origin of Popular Dog Breeds

Pedigree dogs have come a long way since their initial domestication millennia ago. Over the centuries, humans have perfected their beloved canine companions into the varieties of breeds we are familiar with today. In this blog article, we will explore the origin of some of the most popular dog breeds and how they became the breeds we recognize today.

While there are over 600 different breeds of dogs recognized by the International Federation of Kennel Clubs, there are only a handful that are considered the most popular. These include the Labrador Retriever, the German Shepherd, the Golden Retriever, the Beagle, and the Bulldog.

A happy Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. The breed originated in Newfoundland, Canada in the 19th century. They were originally bred to help fishermen with retrieving fish that had become tangled in their nets. Labs were also used as working dogs on farms and as gun dogs. The Labrador Retriever was first recognized as a breed by the Kennel Club in 1903.

Layka the Cosmonaut German Shepherd Wearing a medal
Laika the German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is another popular breed of dog that has its roots in 19th-century Germany. The breed was created by Captain Max Von Stephanitz, who was looking for a dog that could be used for herding and guarding. German Shepherds quickly became popular working dogs and were used extensively in both World Wars. The breed was first recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1908.

Woman training a dog in back yard.
Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever is a popular breed of dog that originated in Scotland in the 19th century. They were originally bred to help hunters retrieve game birds that had been downed. Golden Retrievers quickly became popular as family pets and working dogs. The breed was first recognized by the Kennel Club in 1911.

Beagle running

The Beagle is a popular breed of dog that originated in England in the 19th century. They were originally bred as hunting dogs to help track rabbits and other small game. Beagles quickly became popular as family pets and working dogs. The breed was first recognized by the Kennel Club in 1885.

Portrait of a grumpy French Bulldog who is being very protective of his serrano ham bone. Photographed against a perfect white background, colour, horizontal with some copy space. But bones for dogs can be dangerous they can splinter when eaten and hurt the dog.

The Bulldog is a popular breed of dog that originated in England in the 19th century. They were originally bred as working dogs to help with herding cattle and guarding property. Bull dogs quickly became popular as family pets. The breed was first recognized by the Kennel Club in 1875.

As you can see, the origins of many popular dog breeds can be traced back to the 19th century. Humans have been perfecting these furry friends for centuries and they show no signs of slowing down.

There are a variety of reasons why people might choose certain dog breeds over others. Some people might prefer a certain breed because of their size, while others might prefer a certain breed because of their temperament. Still, others might prefer a certain breed because of their history or because of their association with a certain country or culture. Whatever the reason, there are a handful of dog breeds that are considered the most popular. In this blog article, we will explore the origin of some of the most popular dog breeds and how they became the breeds we recognize today.

As you can see, the origins of many popular dog breeds can be traced back to the 19th century. Humans have been perfecting these furry friends for centuries and they show no signs of slowing down.

For more great stories and information about dogs, head on over to the Pet Stop Blog!

flea, tick and running dog

Flea and Tick Prevention for Your Dog

Flea and tick with running dog

April is “Prevention of Lyme Disease in Dogs Month,” and so we thought this would be a good time to discuss keeping your fur friend safe from both ticks, which spread Lyme disease, as well as fleas. It is no secret that flea and tick prevention for your dog is an important part of keeping your pet safe and healthy. Unfortunately, finding the right preventive products can be a challenge for busy pet owners who may not have the time – or the sufficient knowledge – to find the best option for their beloved pet. This article focuses on the importance of flea and tick prevention for your dog, as well as offering advice on how to find the most effective products available.

As pet owners, we all want what’s best for our furry companions. We want them to be healthy and happy, and free from the bothersome (and potentially dangerous) pests like fleas and ticks. Luckily, there are a number of options available when it comes to preventing these pesky critters from taking up residence on our dogs. However, with so many different products on the market, it can be difficult to know which one is right for your pet.

To help you in your search for the best flea and tick preventive for your dog, here are a few things to keep in mind:

-The active ingredients in the product.
-The age, weight, and health of your dog.
-Your dog’s lifestyle (indoor, outdoor, or both).
-Any potential allergies your dog may have.

While flea and tick prevention is important for all dog owners, it is especially crucial for those with dogs who spend a lot of time outdoors. Dogs who are regularly exposed to ticks are at a higher risk for developing Lyme disease, a serious and potentially debilitating condition that can affect both humans and animals. Lyme disease is caused by a bacteria that is transmitted through the bite of an infected tick, and it can cause a wide range of symptoms including fever, joint swelling, and fatigue. If left untreated, Lyme disease can lead to more serious problems like kidney damage and even heart failure.

For dogs who spend time in tick-prone areas, it is important to find a flea and tick preventive that contains an effective tick repellent. Products that contain ingredients like fipronil or permethrin are typically the most effective at repelling ticks, and they can provide added peace of mind for pet owners who want to keep their dogs safe from this potentially deadly disease.

Keep the above factors in mind when searching for a flea and tick preventive, and you’ll be sure to find the best option to keep your furry friend safe and pest-free.

Of course, tick prevention is not only important for dogs who spend time outdoors. Even indoor dogs can be at risk for tick-borne diseases if they are not properly protected. Regardless of where your dog spends most of his time, it is important to find a flea and tick preventive that is right for your pet.

So, what is the best flea and tick preventive for your dog? The answer may vary depending on the individual dog, but there are a few products that are generally considered to be among the most effective. Frontline, Advantix, and Revolution are all popular choices, and they contain a variety of different active ingredients that have been proven to be effective against both fleas and ticks.

No matter which product you choose, it is important to follow the directions carefully and apply the product as directed. This will help to ensure that your dog is properly protected against fleas and ticks, and it will also help to prevent any potential side effects that could occur if the product is not used as directed. When it comes to protecting your dog from fleas and ticks, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

For even more detailed information on products that can help you keep your dog safe from fleas and ticks there is a great article from the American Veterinary Medical Association HERE.

And please feel free to check out some more content on the Pet Stop Blog about pet health and wellness.

Smiling mature woman hugging her dog outside in her yard

Heroic Dogs: True Tails of Bravery

There is a reason we call dogs, “man’s best friend.” They give us their companionship, unconditional love, trust, and loyalty. The loyalty of some dogs, however, goes above and beyond the usual day-to-day variety and becomes something more. Sometimes dogs display a level of dedication to their human friends and bravery that it raises them to the level of real-life heroes.


In New York City on September 11, 2001, a seeing-eye guide dog name Roselle became a hero by leading his companion to safety.

Michael Hingson was blind and was working on the 78th floor in Tower One of the World Trade Center, aided by his trusted seeing-eye guide dog, Roselle. When the planes struck the building during the attacks, Roselle guided Michael through the building and down a whopping 1,463 steps to safety. The yellow Labrador Retriever led Hingson through a pandemonium of deadly smoke, debris, fire, and other dangers, getting him safely away from the building before it ultimately collapsed.


A loyal companion, Toby the dog saved his friend’s life against all odds.

A Maryland woman named Debbie Parkhurst had been home alone, except for her dog Toby. Debbie had been eating an apple and a small piece of the fruit got lodged in her throat, cutting off her airway. Choking, she was began beating on her chest, trying to knock the food free to no avail. Toby, her Golden Retriever, caught on to her distress and sprung up, putting his paws on her shoulders. He knocked her to the floor, and jumped up and down on her chest, using his big paws to dislodge the apple. He licked Parkhurst’s face to keep her from losing consciousness until she was able to get herself up off the floor. No one knows how Toby figured out his version of the Heimlich maneuver, but because of his resourcefulness and dedication, he was presented with  a Dog of the Year award for his heroics.


A dog doesn’t even have to belong to you or your family for it to want to protect us hapless humans.

In Mays Landing, New Jersey, the DeStefani family were saved by a small Pomeranian-poodle mix that wasn’t even their dog.

 The family  was watching Bandit for a friend while she was out of town. Rich DeStefani had put a hairbrush into a pot of boiling water to sterilize it,  but forgot the pot on the stove when everyone went to bed that night. By 3:30AM, the water had long sine boiled away and the burning plastic of the hairbrush filled the house with toxic smoke. There were brand new smoke detectors in the house but they did not go off. Instead, Bandit jumped on Jennifer DeStefani until she woke up and was able to alert  her husband and 9-year-old daughter. One smoke detector didn’t actually go off until after the fire department arrived, far too late to be of any use. Thankfully the fire was limited to the stove, but the home sustained serious smoke damage. Bandit was hailed as a hero.


Nemo the Air Force heroic dog
Nemo, a heroic dog

During the Vietnam war, a military dog named Nemo helped save his human partner’s life.

On the night of December 4, 1966. Airman Robert Throneburg and his sentry dog Nemo quietly patrolled near a graveyard on Tan Son Nhut Airbase While they made their way through the patrol, Nemo alerted Throneburg to a group of hidden enemy soldiers, waiting to attack. Airman Throneburg gave the comman, “Watch him,”. When the dog showed he was ready for action, Throneburg then commanded, “Get him!” Nemo leaped into the enemy’s hiding spot. Airman Throneburg followed close behind. R ight away, Airman Throneburg and Nemo killed two of the enemy soldiers but, before help could arrive, Airman Throneburg was wounded in the front left side of his shoulder but survived another missed shot. After being medevaced, Tan Son Nhut, was liberated.

Airman Robert Throneburg received two Purple Hearts and the Bronze Star Medal with the V for valour (BSV). Nemo was one of the first K-9 units retired and returned to the US.

To learn more about Nemo and Airman Throneburg’s experience, check out this Article.

We tend to think of dogs as those cute fluffy sweethearts who warm our laps or take walks with us but as you can see, dogs give us so much more than just comfort and companionship. Dogs have proven time and again that they are fierce, cunning and powerful allies and protectors to us humans and often are able to detect danger well before we can. Many people owe their lives and safety to heroic dogs who came to their rescue.

For more great info about our favorite fur-friends, head over to the Blog page and read more about the dogs we love.

12 Tips For Quickly And Easily Training Your Dog

Man training dog

Dogs are wonderful creatures that bring so much joy into our lives. However, they can also be a handful if they are not properly trained. It is important to start training your dog as early as possible so that they can learn the basics and develop good habits.

Training your dog doesn’t have to be a difficult or time-consuming process. With a little patience and some basic dog training techniques, you can have your furry friend behaving in no time.

Since February is Dog Training Education month, we thought we would share 14 tips for quickly and easily training your dog!

  1. Sit
training dog to sit

Teaching a dog to sit is one of the most basic training techniques. You can start by having the dog in a standing position. You can then gently press down on the dog’s rear or hold a treat in front of the dog’s nose, enticing them to look up and sit. Once the dog is in the sitting position, it’s important to give them a reward. This can be verbal praise, a treat, or a combination of the two. It is also important to be consistent with your commands and rewards so that your dog can learn quickly.

2. Down

    training a dog to lay down

    Lay down, is another important command. Begin by having the dog in a sitting position. Put your hand with a treat in it on the ground and lead the dog in a crawling motion. Once the dog is in the down position, reward them with a treat and verbal praise. If your dog is having trouble, try rewarding them with a toy instead of a treat. You can also use the same command for both sitting and staying closely for this command.

    3. Come

      training a dog to come when called

      It is very helpful to teach your dog to come to you when you call for them. The first step is to make sure your dog is away from you. Call their name and make sure to say it in the same tone of voice each time. Wait for the dog to come and when they do, reward them with a treat and verbal praise. It’s important to keep the treats small and keep your vocal tone consistent so that your dog can quickly understand the command.

      4. Loose Leash

        training a dog to walk with loose leash

        This is a great way to help your pup learn how to walk properly. Start by keeping the leash loose and reward your pup every time they walk without putting tension on the leash. It may help to use a variety of treats and rewards to encourage your pup to keep walking without pulling. If your dog does start to pull, stop, and wait for them to return to the neutral position before continuing.

        5. Leave It

          training a dog to leave something

          Leave it, can be a very useful command when it comes to teaching your pup how to behave. Start by putting something your pup wants on the floor and then put your hand up and tell them to leave it. You can reward them with a treat if they turn away from the item. This can help to teach your pup that leaving an item that they want is an acceptable behavior.

          6. Drop It

            training a dog to drop something

            This command is similar to, leave it, but involves teaching your pup to drop something they are holding in their mouth. Start by putting a toy in their mouth and then put your hand up and tell them to drop it. If the item is dropped, reward your pup with a treat and verbal praise. It’s important to be consistent with your commands and rewards so your pup can learn quickly.

            7. Stay

              train a dog to stay

              Stay is one of the most basic commands. Start by having the pup in a sitting or standing position and then holding up your hand with your palm facing them. When the pup stays in that position, reward them with a treat or vocal praise. It’s important to be consistent with your commands and rewards so your pup can learn quickly.

              8. Go To Your Place

                training a dog to go to its place

                This command teaches your pup to go to their designated place, like their crate or their bed. Start by having the pup in a standing position and then point to their bed or designated spot. When they get there, reward them with a treat or vocal praise. Make sure to be consistent with your commands and rewards for this training technique.

                9. Accepting Handling:

                train a dog to accept handling

                Getting your dog accustomed to being handled is a great way to help them develop good habits. Start by having them in a standing position and then gently petting them with your hand. You can also try playing and cuddling to get them used to being handled. Make sure to reward them with treats and vocal praise for any positive behavior.

                10. Kennel Up

                training a dog to kennel up
                An English Bulldog puppy eats in his crate, facing away with its bum pointing at the camera.

                Start by showing your pup the kennel and giving them a treat when they go in. Once they are in the kennel, close the kennel door and give them a treat. You can then gradually increase the amount of time that your pup stays in the kennel until they are familiar with the command. Make sure to give them rewards and verbal praise for acting appropriately.

                11. Touch

                training a dog to touch you with their nose

                Teaching your fur-friend to touch you with their nose is a useful trick. Start by having the pup in a standing position and then holding up your hand with your palm facing them. When the pup touches your hand with their nose, reward them with a treat or vocal praise. You can also use a variety of rewards and treats to help your pup learn and understand this command quicker.

                12. Nail Trimming

                Dog groomer cutting nails on black Labrador retriever dog
                Dog groomer cutting nails on black Labrador retriever dog in grooming salon

                Helping your puppy to be still and have their nails trimmed can be daunting but it doesn’t have to be. Start by keeping your pup in a standing position and then gently rubbing their paws. Once the pup is used to you touching their paws, begin trimming their nails. Make sure to reward your pup with a treat and verbal praise when they allow you to trim their nails without a problem.

                Training your pup can be a challenging but rewarding process. It’s important to be consistent with your commands and rewards and to be patient with your pup. Your pup will appreciate the extra effort you are taking to help them engage with you and their world more fully.

                As always, paying attention to your dog’s well being is key. This article from the ASPCA goes into more detail about good training habits. After that, if you’re still hungry for more info on caring for your special fur-friend, head over to the Pet Stop Blog for lots of fun articles about our favorite, four legged family.

                Graduation Graduate Dog

                How Much Exercise Does Your Dog Need?

                Did you know that exercising your dog can have some great benefits? It’s not just about burning off energy or keeping them fit – exercise can also help improve their mental health and well-being.

                How much exercise does your dog need? What type of exercise is best? This can vary depending on their age, breed, and health condition.

                It’s important to make sure you don’t overdo it, as this can be just as harmful as not exercising them at all. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to get started with exercising your dog safely and effectively.

                How much exercise does your dog need?

                How Much Exercise Does Your Dog Need?

                Exercise is important for all dogs, but the amount they need can vary. Generally speaking, younger dogs need more exercise than older dogs. It is important to ensure your dog gets enough exercise to be healthy, but not so much that they’re overdoing it. Signs of over-exercising in dogs include excessive panting, fatigue, and limping.

                For younger, active dogs, a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise per day is recommended. It is best to spread this out throughout the day in short bursts of activity. Breeds such as retrievers and shepherds typically need more than 30 minutes of exercise per day. Older dogs may need a shorter walking duration, but more frequent walks. This will help them keep active without putting too much strain on their joints.

                What Type Of Exercise Is Best For Your Dog?

                How much exercise does your dog need?

                The type of exercise your dog gets is just as important as how much they get. For example, some breeds are not suited to intense physical exercise, such as running, swimming, or agility. Walking is a great exercise for most dogs, particularly those who are less physically active. Other activities you can try include scent games, such as offering your dog treats for finding certain objects in your garden.

                For more active breeds, swimming is a great option, as it gives them an aerobic workout without putting too much strain on their joints. Playing fetch and chasing games are also great ways to get your dog exercising. Whatever type of exercise you decide to do with your dog, it is important to make sure they stay physically and mentally stimulated.

                Why Is Exercise Important For Your Dog?

                how much exercise does your dog need?

                Exercise is important for keeping your dog physically fit and their brain engaged. Regular exercise can help your dog shed excess weight and improve their overall health and well-being. It is also important for their mental health. Exercise can help relieve stress, anxiety, and boredom. This can be especially important if your dog is left home alone for extended periods of time.

                Regular exercise can also help deepen the bond between you and your fur-friend. Spending time with your dog and playing games with them is a great way to show them how much you care.

                How To Get Started With Exercising Your Dog

                How much exercise does your dog need?

                When it comes to exercise, it’s important to start slowly and build up gradually. Start with short, low-intensity walks and work your way up from there. Make sure your dog is healthy and fit enough for the type of exercise you plan to do. If you’re not sure what level of physical activity is appropriate for your pet, it’s best to consult your vet. Also, make sure your dog is properly hydrated and fuelled with energy-rich snacks before, during, and after exercise.

                Tips For Making Exercise Fun For Your Dog

                When it comes to exercise, it’s important to make it enjoyable for your dog.

                • Vary your routine and visit different locations to keep your dog stimulated.
                • Offer treats, toys, and praise to reward them for good behaviour during walks and other activities. A tired dog is a happy dog, so make sure they get plenty of rest afterwards.
                • You might also want to consider dog-walking services so your pup has someone to exercise with in between your own walks.

                For some more ideas on things to do outside with your dog, check out this article at It gives 13 different ideas for fun activities to do with your fur-friend.

                Of course, sometimes the weather is too bad to have outside fun with your pupper and to that end we have even more ideas for keeping them engaged. This post over at the Pet Stop blog some different things you can do indoors with your dog to keep them active and entertained.

                The Benefits Of Exercising Your Dog

                How much exercise does your dog need?

                The benefits of exercising your four-legged companion are numerous. gular exercise can help them manage their weight, reduce their risk of injuries and other medical issues, and improve quality of life. It is also important for building your relationship with your pet, as it helps to deepen the bond between you. Additionally, exercising your dog is a great way to socialize them and help them build relationships with other dogs, humans, and animals.

                Exercising your dog regularly is essential for keeping them happy and healthy.. It is important to make sure you’re doing it in a safe and effective way. With the right approach, you and your pooch can have countless hours of fun exploring the great outdoors.

                How much exercise does your dog need?

                First Aid For Dogs Part 2: Performing CPR

                By Kelley Kombrinck

                A border collie puppy is lying with his belly up on a table, looking happy and cute. There is an unrecognizable veterinarian petting him. She is wearing a stethoscope and blue scrubs inside a veterinarian clinic.
                Emergency care for a sick puppy

                Welcome back to our three-part series on first aid for dogs and how (and just as importantly, when) to use it. In our first post we discussed some different scenarios where it may be necessary to provide emergency assistance for your beloved four-legged family member. In this installment, we will discuss performing CPR on your dog, how to know when it is necessary, and how to do it.

                What is CPR? The American Heart Association says, “CPR – or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation – is an emergency lifesaving procedure performed when the heart stops beating. Immediate CPR can double or triple chances of survival after cardiac arrest.”  (check HERE for more info on human CPR.)

                We’ve all seen it on TV, movies, or even in real life; someone receiving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or chest compression to keep them going till they can be stabilized. Dog CPR is not dissimilar. It uses artificial respiration and chest compression to try and revive a dog whose heart has stopped, or who has stopped breathing. When the heartbeat or respiration stops, oxygen levels in the blood decrease quickly and quick, decisive action could save your dog’s life.

                As always, of course, the best-case scenario in an emergency, is to be able to get your dog immediate professional, medical assistance. Sometimes, however, that is not easily accessible. If you find yourself in a situation where help is not close by, here are some steps you can take to potentially help your fur-friend hold on until help is available.

                Assess Your Dog’s Situation:

                If possible, before you do anything, call the veterinarian or animal hospital and alert them that you have an emergency and will need help.

                Dog has stopped breating and so its owner, who know dog first aid, is performing mouth to mouth resuscitation to save his life.
                Dog has stopped breating and so its owner, who know dog first aid, is performing mouth to mouth resuscitation to save his life.

                checking to see if your dog is responsive, try to remember, A-B-C, which stands for “Airway, Breathing, Cardiac.”

                • First, check your dog’s airway by opening its mouth and making sure there is nothing obstructing the throat. If something is blocking the airway it can make it difficult or impossible for your dog to breathe and may complicate further CPR efforts. Remove anything that is blocking the airway.
                • Next, ascertain whether your dog is breathing. This can be done by watching for the rise and fall of their chest, or by putting the back of your hand, or your cheek, close to its nostrils to feel the exhalation. If your dog is breathing, and there is nothing blocking the airway, you can stop CPR. However, if you are unable to identify respiration you will want to continue to the third step.
                • Look for a heartbeat. To do this, put your dog onto their right side and push their front elbow to the chest. This area, where the elbow touches the chest, is referred to as the “intercostal space,” and is the approximate location of your dog’s heart. If the heart is beating, you should see some movement. If you don’t see any movement, press your hand or fingers gently against that spot to see if you can feel a heartbeat.

                If you find, after going through the A-B-C assessment that your dog is not breathing, or does not appear to have a heartbeat, you should begin CPR.

                First aid reanimation on a small shetland sheepdog
                First aid reanimation on a small shetland sheepdog

                Performing CPR

                • The first step is to get your dog ready to receive artificial respiration. On the floor or a table, line your dog’s head up with their back, and tilt back a bit further. This opens up the airway.
                • Once open, you will put your mouth over the airway. If your dog is small, meaning under 30 lbs. (13.6 kg), place your mouth over both the nose and the mouth. If your dog is any larger than this, only cover their nose with your mouth. For the larger dogs, you also want to try and hold their mouth and jaw shut to prevent air from escaping when you begin respiration.
                • Blow air in through your dog’s nose (or nose and mouth) enough so that you can see the chest rise, then take your mouth away so the air can escape back out. You want to try and do 20 to 30 of these breaths per minute.
                • Now you should begin chest compression. Place your hand over the heart, in the spot we discussed earlier, the intercostal space. Press down firmly so that your dog’s chest depresses to about 1/3 to 1/2 it’s normal depth. Try to do 10 to 12 compressions every 5 seconds, then doing 1 breath. This would mean, one breath—compress the chest 10-12 times to the count of five, then another breath, until you’ve done 20-30 breaths in a minute. This is a lot of intense compression and can be tiring. If possible, it is ideal to have someone else with you that can switch off with you every 2 minutes or so. You should also be checking every 2 minutes to see if your dog has begun breathing again. If respiration begins again on its own, you can stop CPR. If not, continue performing the CPR until you are able to get medical assistance.

                Hopefully there will never be a need for you to have to take these steps for your sweet little fur-friend, but knowing how to perform CPR on your dog could possibly make the difference in helping them hold on till help arrives in the case of an emergency.

                Check back here at the blog next month, in our 3rd and final installment of our First Aid for Dogs series, we will talk about what to do if your dog is choking, and some items you should have around the house to help care for your dog in an emergency.

                For more first aid for dogs, you can read part 1 of this 3 part series HERE where we cover the basics of first aid for dogs. And for even more dog safety tips that could maybe help prevent some of these emergency situations, go back and see our blog on the foods dogs can’t eat, HERE.

                miling mature woman giving her cog a big hug while sitting together outside on her patio in her back yard

                First-Aid For Dogs

                Part 1: Emergency Care

                By Kelley Kombrinck

                First Aid for Dogs
                Veterinarian wrapping bandage around a dog’s leg

                One of the things that charms us so much about dogs is their curiosity. They are inquisitive and explorative creatures who want to understand and interact with their surroundings. It is a very relatable, human trait that we find endearing. However, from time to time, it can also lead to our furry friends getting themselves into situations that could be potentially dangerous, or even life threatening.

                Of course, any obvious, severe injuries, sickness or emergencies should be left to the expertise of your veterinarian, but sometimes quick action at home can help your dog be more comfortable and potentially stable until they can be seen by the vet. Occasionally too, there will be minor incidents that don’t require a trip to the animal clinic, but can, and should, be attended to at home.

                In this 3-part series we will go over how to identify an emergency, some things you can do to help, pet CPR, and supplies you should keep around the house, just in case.

                How to Know an Emergency

                How to Know an Emergency
                How to Know an Emergency

                As always (and we will mention this more than once throughout this post), if there is any doubt, call the vet. They are trained to know what to look for and how to handle threats to your animal’s health.

                It is important to know what constitutes an “emergency,” for your dog. The first part of identifying the severity level of a situation with your dog, is knowing what is normal for them. You should be familiar with their appetite, sleep habits, temperament, and bathroom habits. Any significant and ongoing change in any of these can be a sign that something is wrong. This is particularly true of their bowel movements. Changes in frequency, appearance or even odor can be indicators of serious problems.

                However, sometimes there is an obvious problem that needs immediate attention from a professional. Below is a list of situations where you should seek veterinary assistance as soon as possible. If your dog(s) are experiencing anything from the list below, get them to the vet.

                • aren’t breathing or have trouble breathing
                • are unresponsive
                • have collapsed and can’t seem get up
                • having a seizure
                • may have broken bones
                • not moving as well as usual or lacking normal coordination
                • have possibly ingested something toxic
                • experience vomiting or diarrhea for over than 24 hours.

                With that in mind, there are some things you can do to help your dog hang in there and be more comfortable until they’re able to be seen (if the problem is immediate and cannot totally wait).

                Checking Your Dog’s Pulse

                Checking Your Dog’s Pulse
                Checking Your Dog’s Pulse

                There may come a time when you will need to check for your dog’s pulse. The vet on the phone may ask you if you can find it, and if so, what is the heartrate (beats per minute).

                To find the dog’s pulse quickly, check the along their thigh, somewhere in the upper third. Place your hand over the top of their thigh and gently squeeze or press your fingers just underneath their leg, on the inside of the thigh. You should be able to feel a pulse.  NOTE: Try not to locate your dog’s pulse using your thumb. Your thumb also has a pulse and could mislead you on what your dog’s pulse actually is. Once you’ve found the pulse, time it for 15 seconds. You can then multiply by 4 to get the beats per minute.

                Taking Care of Burns

                Taking Care of Burns
                Taking Care of Burns

                Burns can happen in a variety of ways. If your dog gets a semi-serious to severe burn, the first step is to make sure you cool the wound/burn with water for about 10 minutes.  You don’t want to apply any dressings that will stick to the burn and if you are crating your dog on the way to the vet, just make sure you have a clean, smooth plastic surface for them to rest on. Sheets and blankies can also stick to burnt skin and will complicate treatment. Also, it is not recommended to use cling film with your dog.

                Bleeding Claw

                Bleeding Claw
                Bleeding Claw

                It’s important to care for your dog’s claws and clipping them can be tricky. It’s easy to clip them too far up and cause bleeding. If you have accidentally nicked the claw too far up and it starts bleeding, put an absorbent dressing over the paw and wrap the bandage securely (but not too tight) as far up their leg as you can so the dressing stays in place. Keep a close eye on your dog’s paw and if the bleeding doesn’t seem to be slowing or stopping, contact your vet.

                These are just a few tips for helping keep your dog happy and healthy in case of an unfortunate injury or accident. You can find more safety tips on the Pet Stop blog in our article from 2012 HERE and be sure to check back in next month for part two of our dog First Aid series where we will discuss how to administer CPR to your pet and some other helpful hints.

                A happy, healthy, beautiful dog
                A happy, healthy, beautiful dog

                Puppy-Proofing Your Home:101

                A dog wearing a hat

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                By Kelley Kombrinck

                For animal lovers, there are few things as exciting and rewarding as bringing home a new puppy or young dog. Their energy is infectious, and they are cuddly, loving, and full of joy. They are also new to this world and to your home specifically and don’t know what things might not be good or safe for themselves. You can maybe supervise them most of the time, but not all of the time and so it’s important to take steps to ensure that your environment is as safe as possible for your new little critter to roam around and explore. There are a lot of hazards in every home that can get your puppy into trouble. Food items, electrical items, toys—all these potential areas of concern should be identified and then resolved before your new friend goes looking through their new abode.

                Identify Problem Areas

                A picture containing indoor, floor, living, person

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                Before getting started on puppy proofing your home it may be worthwhile to get a clearer view of what your pet’s world looks like. It may feel a bit silly but try getting down on your hands and knees and wandering through and around the rooms that your new dog will have access to. Poke around behind and under furniture. Check out your kitchen, bathroom, and bedrooms from this dog’s eye view. This will give you a good idea of how your pup will experience their environment and you might find some issue you hadn’t previously realized could be a danger to a young dog.

                Cables and Cords

                Puppies and young dogs are naturally very curious. They want to check out everything in their territory and get to know the lay of the land. In addition to using their eyes, ears, and nose, dogs interact with their world by using their mouths. They are very sensitive and dogs chew and lightly nibble things to get a sense of what they are. In addition, they all enjoy chewing, especially very young puppies who may be teething.

                Electrical wires and cords are particularly tempting for young dogs. They love to chew and tug on ropes and strings and these cables just seem like more good things to get their teeth on. Obviously, that is something we don’t want them doing because they could receive a very dangerous electrical shock chewing through an active, plugged in cable.

                Go through and make sure that any cords that are plugged in are either blocked by items in the room that the puppy can definitely not get over, under or around (heavy furniture that they can’t push around is often a great barrier). For plugs that are not in an area conducive to blocking, there are “pet-proof” cord protectors that are durable enough to hold up to chewing while protecting your puppy from the actual cables within (and protect them from your pup).

                Small Items/Kids’ Toys

                The same curiosity that causes your puppy to want to chew on electrical cords also inspires them to pick up anything they may find on the floor that they can lift with their mouths. If you have children, make sure any small toys (smaller than your fist is a good way to measure what is “small”) are picked up and out of reach of your puppy. Many such toys have small plastic parts that your dog could swallow and choke on, and they often have sharp points and edges that can hurt the inside of a dog’s mouth.

                As for your dog’s toys and playthings, your dog’s jaw size and teeth will determine what size toy is safe. Many toys have recommendations for dog sizes in their descriptions, but always keep in mind your dog’s unique size. For smaller dogs, aim for a toy that won’t strain their mouths, and for larger dogs, make sure toys aren’t small enough to choke them.


                In our March 20, 2021, blog (which you can check out HERE) we talked about the foods dogs can’t eat. We know not to deliberately feed our dogs things like chocolate, garlic, or onions, but puppies get into everything. With a young, curious canine sniffing through the house for what seem like nommy morsels, it is imperative to make sure you have foods put away in containers out of your dog’s reach. You also want to make sure while preparing meals that food on your kitchen counters is pushed well back from your puppy’s grabbing range. Another caveat for homes with young children and teens–periodically check floors where the kids commonly snack to hunt for stray candies that may have been dropped and forgotten.

                Medicines/Chemicals and Garbage

                Something that can be even more toxic to a dog than human food is human medicine. Keep your prescriptions and over-the-counter remedies shut in a cabinet well out of reach of your dog. If you are taking medicine and drop a pill or spill liquid, pick it up or clean it immediately.

                Similarly, household cleaning supplies and chemicals can be extremely hazardous to animals, whether they’ve ingested them or even just gotten them on their fur or skin. Of course, these items can be bad for us humans too and hopefully we keep those in a secure place where kids and pets can get to them

                Unfortunately, even if you’ve cleaned up and put all your items away where only opposable thumbs can reach, there is one place your dog can go to find any and all of these problem items and then some. This would be your garbage bin. Ideally you would want to keep your trash in a cabinet or closed room. This isn’t always possible however, so if you can’t put your trash receptacle in a place it can’t be reached by your pet, make sure it is of a height that it can’t be gotten into by sniffing snoots, or it has a pet-proof lid.

                Thinking about the possible dangers that lay in wait for your new puppy pal may induce anxiety, but the good news is that most of these things can be dealt with simply and easily with common sense and a simple decluttering. If you think of them the same way you’d think of a toddler that was coming to stay with you and prepare accordingly, your new little friend will enjoy a very safe and welcoming environment.

                Enjoy a Fun and Safe Halloween With Your Dog

                A picture containing outdoor, grass, person, dog

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                Enjoy a fun and safe Halloween with your dog.

                By Kelley Kombrinck

                Fall is in full swing and soon the streets will be filled with pumpkins, spooky yard decorations and costumed candy-seekers. Halloween is right around the corner and what could be more fun than enjoying the Autumn holiday with your sweet fur friend? After all, most dogs enjoy being outside, they love treats and frolicking with kids. It’s a perfect night to spend some quality time with your pooch, but we always want to make sure that they are also safe and happy. We are going to talk about some ways to enjoy a fun and safe Halloween with your dog.


                A person in a garment

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                Choose pet friendly Halloween decorations.

                When those first chilly breezes of Fall start to blow, and the leaves begin changing colors, many of us get very excited at the prospect of decorating our houses and yards for Halloween, and Autumn in general. If we have furry little curiosity machines, however, we should try to decorate with them in mind.

                • Pumpkins—There is maybe no image more associated with Halloween than the Jack ‘O Lantern and carving up pumpkins and setting them out is a tradition for many families. Pumpkins in and of themselves can be good for digestion when prepared properly, but Jack ‘O Lanterns can be problematic. The biggest issue with Jack ‘O Lanterns is the lit candle that many people put inside the gourd. An excitable or curious dog could easily get singed by poking around to investigate or by knocking the pumpkin over. This could not only be dangerous for your pet but depending on where you’ve placed your Jack ‘O Lantern, could cause other fire related issues. Consider using battery powered artificial candles if you are placing your pumpkins somewhere your dog can get to, or if you want to use a real candle, maybe positioning it out of the way of any furry little explorers. In addition to the fire hazard, while pumpkin is not harmful to dogs, if they bite large chunks off a carved pumpkin, they may not be chewed very well and could cause blockages.
                • Corn Cobs—Another very popular element in many Fall decorations are dried corn cobs. Like pumpkins, corn is not toxic to dogs, but corn cobs are indigestible and can cause stomach issues that are very uncomfortable and possibly serious. Try to keep corn cob elements out of reach.
                • Artificial Webbing—Fake spiderwebs festooned across rooms and trees and porch railings are a common sight throughout the month of October. If you have a dog that likes to chew or nibble, you may want to skip the webbing or keep it well out of their reach. It is completely indigestible and could cause very serious intestinal problems or choking.
                • Electric Lights and Effects—If you plan on hanging lights or using sound or fog effects, be mindful of your dog’s habits and temperament. Try to keep wires hidden away, sometimes animals may chew on them and this can cause electric shock. Lights and sound effects can also be confusing and alarming for more sensitive dogs and could even potentially incite them to run from the yard. Know your pupper and decorate accordingly.


                A picture containing ground, building, outdoor, red

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                Before putting a costume on your pet, make sure they love wearing it.

                There are few things in this world cuter than a fuzzy little puppy dressed up as a bee, or a devil or a superhero, but dogs in general don’t seem to love wearing clothes. This isn’t necessarily true of all dogs, but before putting a costume on your pet, make sure they love wearing it. From an article on

                If you do dress up your pet for Halloween, make sure the costume does not limit his or her movement, sight or ability to breathe, bark or meow. Check the costume carefully for small, dangling or easily chewed-off pieces that could present a choking hazard. Ill-fitting outfits can get twisted on external objects or your pet, leading to injury.”

                Make sure you’ve had your pet try on their costume a few times before putting it on them for an extended period of time to make sure that they aren’t behaving in an unusual manner or trying to let you know, “hey, I’m not into this.” If you notice anything to suggest they are less than thrilled with the situation, put the costume away and maybe find a bandana, special collar or just have them go au naturel.

                Trick or Treating

                A dog wearing a garment

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                On a night like Halloween it is very easy for our furry friends to become overstimulated

                Many dogs love the crisp, cool air of Autumn and love running around without getting overheated. They also often enjoy being around kids and their playful energy. On a night like Halloween though, it is very easy for our furry friends to become overstimulated, overwhelmed and anxious with the amount of people they are encountering.

                Walking down crowded sidewalks after dark with a throng of excited, shouting, costumed children and their harried parents can cause a lot of undue stress. If you plan to take your dog out trick or treating with you and your family, make sure they are leashed and that you’re paying attention to their mood. If you already know you have a nervous doggo, perhaps leave them indoors till you return, or with another family member who is passing out candy.

                If they are staying home and sitting outside with you to greet trick or treaters, they can also become easily confused and even frightened by the “scary” costumes and the number of strangers approaching their house. They may bark and whine or try to hide. They may want to run off somewhere and hide or even get nervous and nippy. Pay close attention to them, and if your fur baby is getting stressed, maybe let them into the house till trick or treating is over.


                A picture containing indoor, person, dog, child

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                Keeping candy out of the reach of dogs is vitally important.

                The biggest and most obvious thing in terms of dog safety at Halloween is, of course, avoiding candy and specifically chocolate. In our March 16th blog post (which you can read HERE) we talked about some foods that dogs can’t eat. Of course, chocolate is well known as being extremely toxic to dogs, but there are also several nuts, spices and artificial sweeteners that are harmful to dogs as well. Keeping candy out of the reach of dogs is vitally important, especially during a holiday where sweets are at the center of activity. If you have bowls of candy out for guests and droppers-by, make sure they are well covered or put away when you are not around.

                In addition to the candy itself, candy wrappers are also dangerous for dogs. They are so tempting because of the sweet smell, but foil and plastic ingested by your sweet little pup can cause all kinds of serious digestive harm, not to mention the remnants of sugar and chocolate that are still on the wrapper. Be sure everyone is disposing of their candy garbage properly and not leaving wrappers lying around where a sniffing doggo can find them (and they can find them anywhere).

                Halloween is a great fun time for families to enjoy and get excited about. The best way to have a fun and safe Halloween with your dog is just to remember they need our help avoiding those things that are so tempting to them but could hurt them. Taking these steps will help ensure that every Halloween is a good time, not just for your human family members, but for your four legged fur babies too.

                For more informative posts, please visit us at the Pet Stop Blog at!

                Happy Doggo-ween!

                Helping Your Dog Through Summer Fireworks

                By Kelley Kombrinck

                With many areas in the US opening back up after the year-long pandemic, scores of people will be venturing back outside to enjoy the warm weather and beautiful sunshine that July brings, and bringing their beloved pets with them. For you and your dog this potentially means a Summer full of backyard barbecues, pool parties, garage sales, long walks at twilight, frisbee fetching…

                And fireworks.

                We all have seen what the booming, combustive sounds of fireworks can do to the nerves of even the bravest and fiercest of dogs. They cower, whine, hide, bark, shake and breathe heavily. They are, unfortunately, not privy to our understanding of celebratory explosions and so, to them, it just sounds (and looks) like the world is coming to an explosive end around them. The noise and lights trigger their fight-or-flight response and can put them in states of very distressing anxiety. No one wants to see their dog suffer like this but there is no way to turn off the fireworks that inevitably begin popping off in early July and will continue past the fourth well into the month, and even throughout the late Summer and early Fall. Thankfully, there are some ways that we can try to mitigate some of the discomfort of “Fireworks Season” for our four-legged family members.

                Make Sure They Have Their ID

                The first step in making sure your dog is as safe as possible, in any given situation, is to have proper identification for them. In addition to getting them registered and licensed according to your state’s regulations, you should also ensure that there is current owner, address, and phone information on their collar. Also, if possible, have them microchipped with a GPS enabled chip. If they do manage to get themselves lost or separated from you, this will give anyone who finds them the best chance to get them reunited with you as quickly as possible.

                Acquaint Them with the Sounds of the Season

                Another possible way to help your dog through the most intense part of Fireworks Season (right before and after July 4th being the worst) is to try and familiarize them gently with the sounds of fireworks displays. Begin a couple weeks before you expect people to start setting off their fireworks. At a low enough level for your dog not to be disturbed by them, play some video or audio of fireworks, firecrackers, and other associated sounds. Sit with them some of the time, petting them, showing them, everything is safe and ok, even with those sounds going on. This may not completely cure their anxiety, but it could help to ease their nerves some when those loud bangs and pops start going off outside.

                Take Them for A Nice Walk Before the Big Show Begins

                If you expect a particular evening (again, July Fourth is usually going to be the big one) to be fireworks heavy, try to take your dog out for a walk before that all begins. Letting them burn off some energy, getting them a little tired-out enjoying an activity they love with their person can put your dog in a more tranquil state when you return home.

                Try to Mask the Sound of Fireworks

                Another way you can try to give your special little pup some relief from the stress of fireworks is by playing something consistently soothing to counteract the noise. White noise, rain sounds, wind through trees, even soft music (some dogs really love music) can help keep your dog from being hypyerfocused on the loud, disturbing noises outside.

                Take Them Somewhere With Less Noise

                While this option is not available to everyone, the best way to help your dog through the worst of Fireworks Season is to take them out of it as completely as possible. Maybe your relative lives in a neighborhood where they just don’t really do fireworks, or your friend has offered you their secluded cabin at the lake for the Summer. If you can, try and utilize this to get your furry friend to a less stressful environment, at least for the loudest nights.

                Stay in and Comfort Them

                While all of the above suggestions might help to alleviate some of your dog’s distress during Summer fireworks, the simple truth is that many dogs are going to have to suffer through some very anxious evenings. If you can, stay in and sit with your special friend, petting them, hugging them, singing, or speaking to them softly and sweetly. Let them know you’re there with them and that everything is fine. They trust you more than anyone or anything else, and your love and attention and comfort will help get them through those beautiful, but explosive Summer nights.

                For more articles on keeping your dog safe and happy, visit us over on the Pet Stop blog page!

                Temperatures Are Rising, Keep Your Dog Cool!

                From Our Friends At

                The Dog Days of Summer aren’t here yet, but the temperatures are rising and hitting some highs. With that comes the seasonal concerns for your pooch such as ticks and fleas (administer preventive medication), the infamous ear infections (dry ears after swimming), or potential alarming situations with wildlife (this one can sometimes be hard to prevent), etc. But one of the most dangerous, life-threatening concerns is one that we can prevent from happening – heat stroke.    

                Tips For When It’s Hot

                Whenever temperatures are at an extreme, heat stroke is possible. Unlike humans, our animals can’t get themselves what they need to stay cool, so it is our responsibility to keep them safe from any possible danger.

                Tips For When It’s Hot

                How To Keep Your Dog Cool

                • When outside temperature gets much above 80 degrees, particularly if it is combined with high humidity, restrict the amount of exercise.  Do not force your dog to job with you or exercise unduly on hot days.
                • NEVER leave your dog alone in a car, even with the windows cracked, on a very hot sunny day. 
                • Do not leave your dog in a hot room, or outdoors directly in the sun without access to shade.
                • Ensure your dog has plenty of fresh, cold water and a cool, shaded spot away from the heat and sun.
                • Exercise in the morning or later in the evening to avoid the hottest points of the day.
                • Be aware that pavement can burn the pads of their feet on a hot sunny day.  If it is too hot for you to place a bare hand on the surface for 10 seconds it is too hot for your dog!
                • Spray with cool water periodically throughout the day or give them access to a doggie pool where the water is always nice and cool.
                • And hopefully, you have a safe yard allowing your pup to roam safely and securely while being able to reach all of their summer y necessities.

                Remember, if you’re hot they’re hot!

                Dogs that are left unable to escape from the heat are in danger. If you see a dog suffering in the heat, please call an emergency number immediately, and if you can take action, do so right away. No animal deserves to suffer.

                Know Which Breeds are Predisposed to Heat Stroke

                • Chow Chow
                • Bulldog
                • French Bulldog
                • French Mastiff
                • Greyhound
                • Bullmastiff
                • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
                • Pug
                • English Springer Spaniel
                • Golden Retriever

                Signs Of Heat Stroke:

                •  Heavy panting and excessive drooling
                • Collapsing or tiredness
                • Difficulty breathing
                • Bright red, gray, purple, or bluish gums
                • Collapsing or fatigue
                •  Increased heart rate
                • Elevated body temperature
                • Lack of coordination
                • Vomiting or diarrhea
                • Dehydration
                • Lack of urine
                • Muscle tremors
                • Lethargy or weakness
                • Dizziness

                Actions To Take:

                • If your dog shows symptoms shown above seek veterinary care and emergency care if your vet office is closed.
                • Move the dog immediately to an air-conditioned environment.
                • Place cool, wet cloths or towels on your dog’s neck, armpits & behind his hind legs. You can also gently wet his ears and paws with the cool water. If he is willing to drink, offer him cold water, but do not force him.
                • If you do not have an air-conditioned room, put a fan directly on them

                For More Safety Tips

                Thank you to our friends at Syracuse Dog Fence for the inspiration and much of the content of this post!

                How Many Hours Do Dogs Sleep?

                by Kelley Kombrinck

                Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

                Cute Corgi Sleeps On The Bed With Eye Mask. Live with schedule, time to wake up.

                Many of us know the old phrase, “The quick, brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.” It’s a sentence that contains all the letters of the English alphabet, but it also paints our favorite furry companions in an arguably negative light. The lazy dog. As if there is some task that dogs should be working on but instead choose to ignore for sleep. We can also probably all visualize the popular image of the sleepy-eyed hound dog snoozing away on some front porch, dream-chasing rabbits contentedly. The truth, however, is that dogs aren’t lazy, they just need a lot of sleep. It’s how they’re built.

                So how many hours a day do dogs sleep?

                Dog sleeping in his orange bad by the night light

                Well, the answer depends on a list of different factors. Breed, size and age play large roles in how long a dog may need to sleep during the day, but there are other less-easily defined variables that can affect this too. Where the dog lives and what the physical environment is like, the people and animals that it lives with, its diet, whether or not it is a “working,” dog—all of these can determine the amount of time a dog will spend sleeping each day.

                Most adult dogs tend to sleep anywhere from 8-14 hours every day, averaging somewhere around 10 hours. This might sound like a log of time spent snoozing, but dogs have different needs and different sleep cycles that us humans. While they may spend more hours overall sleeping, dogs’ sleep cycles are shorter than humans. We usually sleep 6-8 hours a day, and each sleep cycle during those hours runs for about two hours. In contrast dogs, who are polyphasic sleepers (meaning their overall sleep is broken up into different times throughout the day) have sleep cycles that last about 45 minutes. They spend less time in REM sleep (the sleep where dreaming occurs) than we do as well. They spend this time most likely dreaming of activities and memories from their day, just as we do, and unless they seem to be in distress, it is good to let them sleep fully through this cycle.

                Sleep patterns for dogs can also be disrupted by stressful events, just like humans. A person may notice their dog having trouble getting good consistent rest after a move to a new home, or changes in the family dynamic or schedule. A new baby in the house, a relative visiting from out of town, or even something like the kids’ sports suddenly keeping the family out of the house more can all affect how well your dog is sleeping. It’s always a good idea to keep an eye on how your furry friend is sleeping. Get to know their routines and habits so that if something changes, you can maybe pinpoint what might be causing your dog’s sleep to be disturbed. In this way you can find ways to help get your companion back to its normal schedule.

                Dogs need their sleep just like we do, and dogs who sleep regularly are generally happier and healthier. Exercise and a proper diet can both contribute to the quality of your dog’s sleep, and the better quality sleep your dog is getting, the better quality of life they are getting.

                Come visit us on the blog page at for more fun and information all about those sweet, furry little friends.

                Longhair dachshund puppy asleep on a bed.

                The Foods Dogs Can’t Eat

                By Kelley Kombrinck

                For us humans, sharing meals with each other is a huge part of our lives. It’s a way to celebrate, to grieve, to bond and to conduct business. We probably do this most often with our loved ones, often every night at dinner, so it is natural for us to want to include our special furry friends in this practice. As long as man and dog have been cohabitating, we’ve been slipping food to them from our plates. It’s easy to assume that whatever is good and tasty to us will be the same for our dogs. Unfortunately, this is not the case and there are a number of foods that are not healthy for our four-legged companions and some that can even be deadly. Before you pass your dog that yummy morsel, let’s look at some of the foods dogs can’t eat.

                As a general rule, it is probably best to limit how much “human” food we share with our dogs. Most of our food is heavily seasoned or processed and we aren’t always aware of what might bother their digestive systems. To understand the healthiest diet for your dog, you should always consult your vet. With that in mind, if you do give in to those big, hungry eyes that seem to say, “Please may I have just a bite?” there are some foods that are particularly harmful to a dog’s body and should be avoided. There is an excellent and comprehensive list of foods that are both safe, and dangerous for dogs that can be found at the American Kennel Club website for those looking for more suggestions, but for this post we will focus on the ones that should always be left alone.

                Foods To Avoid

                (Remember, even foods that are “ok” for dogs aren’t meant for them, so when you do share, make sure it is only occasionally, and small amounts.)



                Most people, dog families or not, are aware of this one and with good reason. Chocolate comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, varieties and is in many different foods and beverages that we consume. Most households have quite a bit of chocolate in one form or another laying about the kitchen and it is extremely toxic to dogs. Chocolate contains a stimulant called methylxanthine, and ingesting even a small amount can cause a dog to experience severe vomiting and diarrhea. Any significant amount can cause a dog to have seizures, heart problems and could even kill them. Not only do you want to make sure you don’t knowingly give your dog friend any chocolate, you want to make sure that there is no way for them to get into it on their own. If you discover that your dog has eaten chocolate, it’s important to contact your vet immediately. If you can’t reach a vet, you can also contact the Pet Poison Helpline to find out how best to proceed.

                Macadamia Nuts

                Macadamia nuts
                Macadamia Nuts

                These nuts are a big no-no for dog consumption. Like chocolate, they are extremely toxic to dogs and can cause any number of harmful effects including damage to their nervous system.



                Garlic is part of a family of plants called the Allium family, along with onions, leeks, shallots and scallions. All of these should be avoided when giving your dog food from the table because they can all make them sick. Garlic, however, is much more toxic than the others and has a host of symptoms including an elevated heartrate and weakness that can lead to collapse. It is also worthwhile to note that with foods such as garlic and onions, a dog may have delayed symptoms, so if you know that your fur baby has gotten into the special, garlic-heavy family spaghetti sauce, keep an eye on them for a few days and watch for any signs of discomfort or irregular behavior.



                Cinnamon is a spice with a very pleasant sort of “heat” that we humans enjoy and while it is not necessarily toxic for dogs, it is also not good for them. The oils that carry that spiciness to our flavor receptors can irritate the lining of a dog’s mouth. If it is inhaled as a powder (it’s most common form in this country) it can cause breathing issues and overall will just make a dog feel sick and uncomfortable.



                Certain nuts are toxic to dogs in and of themselves (the aforementioned Macadamia nuts)while others, like peanuts and cashews, are alright in very small amounts. Almonds fall somewhere in between and so to be overly cautious we are including them on our list. While not specifically toxic, almonds can easily be lodged in a dog’s esophagus creating a choking hazard or even damage their windpipe if not chewed very thoroughly. Additionally, if the almonds are salted they can cause your dog to retain water which can be life-threatening if there is any underlying heart condition. Best to steer clear and keep the almonds for yourself.

                Grapes & Raisins

                Grapes and Raisins
                Grapes and Raisins

                Dogs can eat some fruits, but grapes and raisins should definitely be avoided. They are toxic to a fur-baby’s system and eating them can cause a dog to endure vomiting, severe lethargy and possible kidney failure.

                Ice Cream

                Ice Cream
                Ice cream

                Dogs are able to digest dairy and it is not always harmful to them but some dogs have an intolerance for lactose that can cause mild to severe digestive issues. On top of that, ice cream contains very high levels of sugar and sodium, which can cause weight gain, retention and lead to more serious conditions down the line. While it may be hard to not give a good boy or good girl the last lick of your frozen treat, it is best to just keep that last lick for yourself.


                Alcoholic beverages

                Alcohol is a big no-no for dogs. Their bodies react to alcohol in a very similar way to ours except that they experience issues much faster and with a much lower amount. Think of your furry friend as the ultimate lightweight. Vomiting, diarrhea and loss of coordination can begin quickly after consuming even a small volume of alcohol and can eventually lead to coma or even death.



                Like alcohol, the effects of caffeine on a dog’s system are not unlike our own, but are greatly amplified and far more damaging. Muscle tremors, trouble breathing and heart palpitations are all common symptoms of caffeine consumption in dogs, but depending on how much they ingested, can also lead to caffeine poisoning.


                Sugar substitute xylitol,

                Xylitol is a popular artificial sweetener used in many different foods and other products (like toothpaste). It is extremely harmful to dogs and can cause liver failure in just a few short days after being ingested. It also causes severe, repeated vomiting, lethargy and sometimes seizures. This one can sneak up on you because sometimes you don’t know that a product contains xylitol. Some peanut-butters, for instance, contain xylitol and many dogs receive peanut-butter as a treat. Before sharing anything with your animal friends, make sure you check the ingredients list.

                Of course, there are other “human” foods that are harmful to greater and lesser degrees to dogs. If you’re committed to sharing foods with your dog, it is probably best to research it thoroughly first, or as mentioned above, contact a veterinarian who can help guide you. We all want to make our animal friends happy and give them treats that we enjoy, but we also want them to feel good and be healthy. There are so many other treats that are appropriate for our dogs that will give them that good feeling while not doing any harm to them.

                Visit the blog over at for more great articles on ways to spend time with and care for your beloved furry friend!

                Happy dog waiting for dinner
                Thanks for protecting me from the foods I can’t eat!

                Getting to Know President Joe Biden’s Dogs

                Embed from Getty Images

                Dogs in the White House have been an American tradition since John and Abigail Adams brought their dogs Juno and Satan to live with them at the capitol back in 1800. Nearly every US president has had a furry companion to help them oversee the country and President Joe Biden is carrying on that tradition with his two German shepherds, Champ and Major. In fact, the freshly inaugurated Commander-In-Chief has not only carried on the tradition but added a new wag-of-the-tail by being the first president to have a rescue dog, Major, living at the White House.

                The first of these two presidential pups to join the Biden family was Champ. As the story goes, Joe told his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, that if Barack Obama, who’d chosen him as running mate, won the 2008 election, they would get a dog to bring along with them. As we all know, Barack Obama did indeed become the President of the United States and so Joe got Champ as a newborn from a breeder in Pennsylvania.

                Champ spent the next 10 years as an only child, but then in 2018 was joined by a new little brother, Major. Major was born in 2018 and was part of a litter than could not be cared for by their original owners. Joe and Jill began fostering Major from the Delaware Humane Society shelter where he’d been staying and adopted him later that same year.

                Both Champ and Major seem comfortable living in the spotlight and have a strong social media presence. They share aTwitter account (which you can follow HERE) and a fan page on Instagram with over 13,000 subscribers (follow that account HERE). Their Twitter profile lists their hometown as Wilmington, DE and welcomes followers with the message, “We’re The First Good Bois. We’re moving to the White House soon. Our hoomans have decided to get a cat, so they’re not all that perfect anymore.” They have 22,000 twitter followers who scroll their feeds to find out what these two “First Good Bois,” are up to daily. Typical posts include cute statements released by Champ and Major such as:

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                There are also many beautiful photos of Champ and Major posted to both Twitter and Instagram like the ones below:


                This tweet, "authored" by Major, was in response to an injury President Biden received while playing with the young German shepherd:


                Back on November 20, then President-elect Biden had fractured his foot while romping around with Major. In an interview with the New York Ppst (read that article HERE) Biden said,  “I’m joking, running after him and grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug. And I tripped on the rug he slid on.”

                Champ and Major’s social media savvy should come as no surprise as they both were very visible during Biden’s 2020 campaign, and were referenced by him often. They are settling in to carry on the legacy of presidential pooches throughout history, helping guide their favorite human as he guides the country. For that fact alone, these Champ and Major Biden are true American heroes.

                Dogs and Covid-19

                By Kelley Kombrinck

                Dogs and Covid-19

                2020 brought a lot of unrest and anxiety to people all over the globe, and the events that shaped that unease came in many shapes and sizes. One of the most harrowing for us humans has been the worldwide pandemic caused by Covid-19, otherwise known as SARS-Cov 2 or Coronavirus. It is an extremely contagious and infectious disease that can seemingly attack any system in the body. The effects can fall anywhere on a broad spectrum of severity that includes having no symptoms at all, feeling like one has a mild flu, or in the worst cases, death from complications caused by the virus. Social and physical distancing has become phrases we’ve come to hear almost daily. Humans are social animals and so it’s no surprise that we’ve had difficulty adjusting to this situation as a species. It’s hard for us to stay away from one another and to stay indoors. We crave face-to-face interaction and experiences beyond our front doors. What about other species’, however? When it comes to our dogs and Covid-19, what do we need to know? How has the coronavirus affected our animal friends and how do we protect them? Experts believe that Covid-19 originated in an animal (most likely a bat, according to the CDC (, but can it be spread from humans back to animals? Could we be spreading the virus to our pets? Can they, in turn, infect us?

                The good news is the likelihood of us contracting Covid-19 from our dogs is very slim. The virus seems mostly transmitted through respiratory droplets, spread it via sneezes, coughs and talking in close proximity to one another. From the same page on the CDC website linked above:

                “Based on the limited information available to date, the risk of animals spreading COVID-19 to people is considered to be low.”

                What about us passing it on to our beloved fur-babies? What is the risk there?

                In May of 2020, a German Shepherd named Buddy became the first dog in the US to test positive for Covid-19. His owner had contracted the coronavirus the previous month and noticed that the dog was showing signs of illness. A veterinarian was able to confirm that Buddy did indeed have the virus. Sadly, in July of 2020, Buddy passed away from lymphoma, but vets were unable to determine whether this was related to the virus, or if complications from his cancer were coincidental to the infection.

                We love our dogs

                This story and a few other like it sent cold tendrils of panic slipping down the spines of dog lovers everywhere. It was hard enough worrying about infecting our most vulnerable human family and friends, but now it seems, we may also have to worry about making our pets sick.

                Steps to Keep Your Dog Safe

                The information we have is obviously limited and the story grows and changes every day, but the CDC advises treating pets similarly to humans in regard to distancing. They’ve released some general guidelines about how best to avoid spreading the coronavirus to our dogs.

                Walking your dog during covid
                Walk your dogs on a leash when you take them out
                • Practice good pet hygiene. Wash your hands frequently, particularly after handling your dogs or their food, Physically distance. Just like we’ve done with other people, it’s advised to keep our animal friends separated from people outside of their home.
                • Walk your dogs on a leash when you take them out and try to keep them distanced (at least six feet) from other animals and people who may be out doing the same. Also, try to avoid public places where a large number of people and dogs may gather, including busy, social dog parks. If possible, exercise them in their own yard (a great way of doing this, if you are worried about them staying put, is to install an invisible pet fence).
                • The CDC states that there is no evidence that the virus can be contracted from the skin, fur or hair of pets so please don’t try to “disinfect” them by wiping or cleaning them with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, hand sanitizer, counter-cleaning wipes, or other industrial or surface cleaners. Again, this does nothing to help and could very definitely be harmful, or deadly, to your beloved dog. It is perfectly fine to wipe the pads of their paws with warm, water. You can use a pet safe soap but if you do, be sure to rinse your dog’s paws thoroughly to be sure it is all gone. Even soaps meant for pets can be dangerous if left on the skin. Also, never use soaps meant for humans on your pets–the chemicals can cause serious health problems or even death.
                • Of course, the best way we can prevent our dog friends from getting infected with Covid-19 is to stay healthy ourselves. If you do contract Covid-19, or even think that you have, limit contact with your pet as much as possible. If you can, try to have someone else care for your dog(s) if you are infected.
                • If no one else is available to help you care for your animals, avoid prolonged contact such as petting, kisses, being licked and snuggling (definitely the hardest part but so necessary).
                • When it’s necessary to feed them or be near them, make sure you are wearing a mask.
                • There are also a couple of things you should not do, in trying to protect your dog from the coronavirus.
                • First, don’t put a mask on your dog. Their mouths and noses are built completely different from ours and the mask will not protect them, and in fact could actually harm them.
                • As with all matters relating to the health of your pet, consult your veterinarian if you have questions about how best to keep your animal friends safe.
                keep your dog healthy

                We all want the best for our dogs, they are special and precious, and we strive to do what we can to keep them safe and healthy. Thankfully, it seems that doesn’t seem very common to spread the virus to our pets, but it can, and does, happen from time to time. We are learning more as time goes on about how the coronavirus spreads and the effects it can have on both humans and animals. To stay up to date on coronavirus as it applies to our animal friends, consult the CDC page HERE.

                Do what you can to keep yourself safe and healthy, and you will be going a long way to ensure the same for your dog.

                Outdoor Versus Indoor Fences

                Because you love your dog so much, you want to make sure he is safe, healthy and happy. One way to ensure your pet gets all three will involve finding a great dog fence. Selecting the best outdoor or indoor fence will likely happen at some point during your dog ownership tenure. There are so many options, and so many opinions, about which style, type, system, etc. that you are left conflicted and confused as to what is best for your fur baby.  Our quick rundown of your outdoor and indoor dog fence options is sure to help clarify the right purchase for your pooch. Let’s get started.

                Outdoor Dog Fences

                The good, the not-so-good, and the downright ugly.

                If good fences make good neighbors, then it should follow that good dog fences make good dogs, right? Finding a great puppy fence for your particular pooch means giving your pup a space where he can roam free, feel connected to his pack (that is, your family) and do his “job” of guarding his pack and territory. We will look at a few different outdoor dog fence types, then go inside and examine the best pens, gates and systems (maybe even a few crates) for a happy indoor dog. Underground outdoor and indoor dog fence systems, both wired and wireless, will be discussed.

                1) Split-Rail Fences

                These fences are a popular choice due to their lovely rustic look, and the ability to provide your dog with a view of what is beyond the fence. In order to keep in some more curious dogs, you may need to provide a layer of mesh or chicken wire as an extra layer of protection. Split-rail fences are good if your pup is unlikely to jump. Most animal behaviorists suggest a fence height of a minimum six feet when installing a dog fence, but take stock of your dog’s temperament and consider if he is a flight risk.

                2) Picket Fences

                Found in most suburban neighborhoods, picket fences, with their secure, snug slat construction and customizable tops can be a very secure boundary for your pet. Something to consider with these and other fences is this: if your dog is a dedicated digger, and many of them are, your fence needs to extend its underground reach at least six inches. Remember that number when you are measuring for this fence.

                3) Aluminum Fences

                Found in urban as well as suburban yards, the aluminum fence can offer a secure perimeter for your pup. Aluminum is rated for corrosion, strength, and end use, so consider the size and strength of your pooch, as well as weather conditions, when you choose your aluminum fence.

                Popular modifications to the aluminum fence include “puppy pickets,” small, decorative rods attached to the bottom of the fence. Located between the larger posts, these smaller, inconspicuous pickets help curtail puppy and small dog “squeeze-through” escapes while enhancing the overall look of the fence.

                4) Vinyl Fencing

                You may not realize it, but your neighborhood is full of vinyl fencing. New techniques are creating a great, heavy-duty fence that is easy to clean and maintain.

                The not-so-good and the downright ugly

                Over the past few years, more and more people are abandoning their chain-link fences-especially dog owners. Frequently, dogs of all sizes will find ways to squeeze under a loose patch of fence, and they end up terribly scratched, injured, and worst of all, gone. Many HOAs forbid their use in their tracts, due to their unattractive appearance. If your chain link fence is currently your only barrier for your dog, consider adding mesh or other materials to create a more dog-proof and dog-friendly fence. It’s not worth the risk to your pet’s health and safety.

                Making the underground visibly effective: underground fences

                Since these types of fences are also hugely popular as indoor fences, please scroll down to read about it in our next section.

                Indoor Dog Fences: The Future is Now

                Indoor fences are becoming more and more innovative, and the options for your dog are many.  First, we will look at traditional options for indoor containment.

                1) Indoor Gates

                One of the easiest barriers to put up in your home is a gate. Made from wood, vinyl, metal or plastic, these are a great option if you wish to confine your pet to (or keep him safely out of) a particular room. Some indoor gates even feature a small pet door, to allow smaller pets, such as cats, into a space off-limits to a messier or bigger family pet.

                2) Indoor Freestanding Pens

                Perfect for smaller dogs, but customizable to larger areas, these pens can be located in any room in the house, providing an approved area for playtime, while still letting your dog feel part of his “pack.” These also come in a variety of materials, similar to pet gates.

                3) Wireless and Wired Dog Fences

                These dog fence systems are exploding in popularity, and for good reason. They are effective, elusive, and easy to set up.  Wireless indoor fences have two components: a signal transmitter and a receiver collar. Wired fences have a third part-the wire. These fences emit a barrier that, when breached, either emits a small alarm or tickles the pet via the receiver collar. This tickle is barely perceptible to your pet, and is a faint reminder of where he can and cannot go in the house.

                The wires in the wired system can be bundled with other household cords, to blend in seamlessly with the look of the home.

                Signal transmitters vary in size and signal strength, with some as small as a coaster and others the size of a smoke detector. This allows for greater flexibility in placement, either in the home or outside, and the transmitters are weather- and lightning-proof.

                Both wireless and wired underground dog fences have their pros and cons. While the wireless fence uses an invisible Wi-Fi signal to create a boundary, it is usually not as large as the boundary from a wired system, so there are some considerations to make prior to making a final decision.

                All in all, it is a great time to be a dog owner, and an even better time to be a dog. So many great, humane barrier systems exist, making life easier on everyone in the pack. Good luck and happy shopping!

                The Key Differences Between Regular and Wireless Pet Fences

                Every dog owner has the desire to keep their pet safe and contained within an area they’re familiar with. For you pup, it’s natural to want to follow the nearest scent and be led by their natural instincts. Finding the balance between letting your dog roam without a leash (after they’ve gone through proper training) and setting up wired or wireless fences around the perimeter of your home or designated area should be a priority to ensure the safety of your dog.

                In this article we’ll do a comparison between wired and wireless pet fences and touch on all the major points you’ll want to consider before making a buying decision. Both wired and wireless pet fences have their pros and cons, so ultimately, it comes down to what your goals are with a pet fence to make the best choice.

                Here are a few factors you’ll want to consider and identify as you get ready to choose a wired or wireless fence system.

                • Is this for your home or do you want to use this while traveling?
                • Do you live in an averaged size house or do you have a lot of land or property your dog can roam free?
                • What is your budget?
                • Do you want something quick, easy and portable or are you looking for a more permanent solution?
                • Are you concerned about the static shock your dog will receive?

                So let’s dive in and compare:

                #1 – Cost of Wireless Pet Fences

                The first factor we’ll touch on is cost. When it comes to deciding between the two, cost probably isn’t going to be the factor that makes or breaks it. They’re both priced about the same in the $100 – $500 range depending on the quality of brand you buy. If you’re looking for a top tier wireless fence, the one we carry at Pet Stop is without a doubt going to be your best choice.

                #2 – Installation

                This is a big one. You have to consider the uses for your wired or wireless pet fence. Are you planning on using this for when you’re out on a camping trip or on a vacation with your pet to ensure they don’t stray too far away? Or are you looking for something more permanent to have in your backyard?

                When it comes to ease of installation, the wireless fence takes home the gold. To setup and install a wireless fence all you really need to do is either plug it into an electric outlet or install some batteries and you’re up and running.

                A wired fence is going to provide more customization in terms of the area or boundary you want your fido to stay in, but it’s also going to take lot more work. A wired fence project typically takes about a weekend for the average DIY’er and you can incur additional cost if you choose to hire a professional to actually come in and bury the wires beneath the ground.

                In any case, if you’re looking for the ultimate long term solution, you probably want to have both a wired fence (for your home) and a wireless dog fence you can take with you on-the-go for camping or other trips.

                #3 – Containment Area

                Containment area is another very important factor you want to consider as it’s the main reason you’re getting a fence in the first place! Most wireless fences can usually contain a dog up to about 250ft diameter of the main transmitters location.

                A wired pet fence can go up to 30 acres and be customized in terms of its shape. If you’ve got a huge yard or own land and want to allow your dog to roam and explore the property, then a wired pet fence is definitely going to be a better choice.

                #4 Signal Reliability

                Most modern pet fences in 2017 are built well enough to minimize wobble and interference in their signal so whether you decide to go with a wired or wireless pet fence, you shouldn’t experience more than a 1-2% margin of error in terms of reliability.

                #5 – Maintenance

                If you’re looking for minimal maintenance, wireless pet fences are the way to go. Because the unit is small, portable and doesn’t have any major cabling or installation hassles, maintenance can be resolved quickly by taking it in for repair or contacting the manufacturer.

                Running hundreds of meters of wired pet fence can be a huge hassle when it comes to maintenance considering the vast amount of cabling and wires that has to be deinstalled or reinstalled around your property.

                #6 – Collar

                One of the benefits of having a wireless fence is that you can adjust the shock level of the collar. This is great for those who don’t want the static shocks to hurt their dogs or scare them in any way and is different from those other types of collars you mind find on the market. You can just adjust the static shock level to the lowest level to alarm but not hurt your small dog. The collar can also be turned up higher for dogs with really thick or long fur to ensure that they’re able to effectively feel the shock if they do go out of the destined boundary.

                Wired fence collars on the other hand deliver the same static shock regardless of the size or breed of the dog. Of course, there are also custom collars available that can be used to accommodate specific types of dog breeds and sizes. Static shocks should also be customized on these collars as well.

                So there you have it. If you’re looking for speed, versatility and portability then a wireless pet fence is going to be your best option. If you’re looking for a more permanent solution for your home then you may want to consider a wired dog fence. In addition, if you have a lot of land, or a unique or custom shape that you need your dogs to stay within bounds of then a wired fence may be right for you.

                Let us know if the comments below what kind of fence you chose for your dog and why. Also, if we happen to miss anything about our wired and wireless fence comparison, let us know and we’ll update the article to include it.

                20 Helpful Tips For New Puppy Owners

                So you spent your time doing research and figuring out what breed of dog you want to adopt into your family. You may have asked around, watched some videos and visited some local pet shops and adoption centers!

                Or maybe you simply locked eyes with your pup and knew at that very moment it was true love! Regardless of how you came to the decision of becoming a dog owner, you’ve taken a big step. Having a dog is a very fun, rewarding and can be at times, a challenging venture.

                As you dive into the world of puppy blogs and websites you’ll find  that there is a plethora of information to be consumed! It can get overwhelming at times, so here at Petstop we want to try and simplify things for you to make it easier and more digestible by providing you a list of the most common and helpful tips a new dog owner should learn and know about as they get ready to become a dog parenthood.

                These items are in no particular order so make sure you read all the way through to the end to ensure you equip yourself with as much good information as possible. While we won’t be jumping too deep into each of the tips, just know that for any of these, you can find articles upon articles of additional information going into the specifics.

                Lets jump right in starting at #1…

                #1 – Get a Puppy Crate

                One of the first foundational supplies you’ll need. You’ll want to keep your pet in their cage or crate whenever you’re away while. It also serves as a tool for training, disciplining and serves a place to sleep for your new pup until they get a little older and become more trained.

                #2 – Get Some Baby Crates

                You’ll want to prevent from your dog having free reign throughout your whole house when you first bring him home. This helps to establish boundaries and prevents any unwanted accidents or destroyed house items/furniture.

                #3 – Pick a Potty Spot

                It’s smart to establish this early on so that your dog gets used doing its business in the same spot every time. Nobody likes to coming home to surprises in the kitchen or living room carpet!

                #4 – Communicate With Family or Friends

                This is especially important if you have other people living in the home with you. Everyone should be on board with having a new pet in the family. Make sure to address everyone’s thoughts, concerns and opinions so that there’s no surprises or issues down the line. This is also a good time to identify responsibilities for walking, feeding, playing etc for your new dog.

                #5 Enroll in a Training Class

                The extra guidance and support really helps speed up the training process and is a fun way for you and your pet to get out of the house and spend time with each other.  Here at Pet Stop, we have several training classes that will help acclimate your new fur baby into it’s new environment with our wireless fences.

                #6 – Establish Yourself as the Dominant Early On

                Here are a few tips – It’s important to establish yourself as the Alpha early on so that you’re dog is trained properly right from the get-go. We don’t need to go too deep as to why it’s important for your dog to respect you and listen to your commands. Remember! A well-trained dog is a happy dog. They want a pack leader.

                #7 – Reward Good and Punish Bad Behavior

                Remember that dogs aren’t like humans. They’re much like babies that can’t distinguish between right, wrong or different things in the environment. They need to rewarded or punished for various behaviors for them to start learning. Good behavior is usually rewarded with praise and treats while bad behavior is punished with timeouts.

                #8 – Get a Variety of Toys

                Depending on the breed, size personality and temperament of your dog, you’ll want to get some toys that seem to be a match. Things to keep in mind are whether your dog really likes to chew on this, if you’re willing to put up the the squeaky noises that some toys have, whether they having any extra parts that could be torn off and accidentally swallowed, lights, flavors and the size of their mouth. Amazon has a great selection and you’re local pet shop owner will always be helpful in selecting a good toy for your pup.

                #9 – Have a Puppy Party

                Invite friends, family and other neighboring dogs over for your pup to get to know everyone. This helps them start to get comfortable with their environment and let them explore all kinds of different people, scents and personality types.

                #10 – Have Scheduled Times For Responsibilities

                Walking, feeding, playing, bathrooms etc. This helps create routine for your pup which they crave and appreciate. It also helps create structure for your own life so that you can make sure you take care of all the important responsibilities of being a dog owner.

                #11 – Avoid the Dog Park Early on

                This could be a traumatizing experience for your dog early on if your pup is still young or hasn’t been trained properly. It’s also puts your puppy at risk of getting diseases if they aren’t vaccinated yet.

                #12 – Get Your Puppy Microchipped

                While you might not consider this a priority, it’s the best way to ensure that you and your pup can reunited if they get lost. Trust us, you’ll be glad you took the extra step here if any accidents do occur.

                #13 – Be aware of Your Pups “Business” Schedule

                If he/she seems like she needs to go to the bathroom, take them! Don’t hold off. Also, while you won’t be looking forward to looking at their poop, pay close attention to ensure there isn’t any abnormal colors or blood in the stool. This could save your pups life and helps to ensure they stay in good health.

                #14 – Know the Nearest Pet Hospital or Clinic

                This is important if there is an emergency. Not much explaining to do here.

                #15 – Hello’s and Goodbye’s Should be no Big Deal

                The opposite of what we see other doing right? Well here’s the reason why. When you make it a big deal before you leave or get overly excited when you come home, your dog will become more aware of the separation and time spent alone and can cause separation anxiety. The less dramatic, the less of a chance your dog will develop separation issues.

                #16 – Begin Leash Training Early

                There are some good tips on leash training on our blog, make sure to check those out. Ideally, you don’t want your dog ahead of you pulling on your leash. You also want them to remain calm and not get overly excited or aggressive when seeing other dogs. Learn more here.

                #17 – Leave the TV or Radio on When You’re Gone

                Just like humans, dogs can get bored too. It’s a good idea to keep some sort of entertainment on for your pup so they don’t feel alone in an empty, silent house.

                #18 – Do Take a lot of Photos

                Just remember, your puppy won’t be a puppy forever! It’s only a small fraction of your time with them before they become full size and stop being little ball of awkward cuteness forever!

                #19 – Start Grooming Early On

                This helps them get comfortable with grooming and also makes sure that they stay healthy through their early years.

                #20 – Play With Your Pup

                Perhaps one of the most important tips of all. Remember your dog loves you and has what seems like an unlimited supply of energy. They’ll love and appreciate you even more as an owner who takes time to play with them often while helping them release that ball of energy they carry!

                Whether you’re on your way to getting your new pup or if you’re a new dog parent of a few weeks, you’ll be sure to get some valuable tips out of this if you just apply them.

                Let us know if the comments section about your favorite tip we mentioned or even one that we missed!

                10 Helpful Ways To Keep Your Dog Out of the Garden

                So, you decided to plant a garden and now you’re pup can’t seem to leave it alone. Or, maybe you just brought home a new dog and the smell of the fresh mulch, fruit and herbs has them attractive to your prized little garden bed.

                Don’t worry, this isn’t all that uncommon!

                In fact, there’s a handful of tips and tricks that will help you manage your pup and prevent them from ruining your precious bed of fruits and vegetables. And while all of these tips aren’t a 100% foolproof way of making sure your dog doesn’t get into your garden, they’ll certainly increase your chances and give you a 95% success rate!

                I’ll take that!

                So let’s jump into the top 10 Tips and Tricks on how to keep your dog out of your lovely garden.

                #1 – Set up a Pet Fence Around Your Garden

                One of the best ways to ensure your dog doesn’t get into a garden is to set up a pet fence around the perimeter of the garden. Of course, you’ll want to ensure you have the right kind of pet fence and you’ll want to make sure that is the correct size as well. The fence could be metal, wood or a picket style fence. Fences are effective because first and foremost, they give a visual que to your pet which helps them understand that there is a barrier between them and the fence which usually does the trick.  To learn more about the types of underground fences we have here at Pet Stop, visit our home page.

                #2 – Spiky or Pokey Barrier

                Rose bushes, cactus, chicken wire and twigs do a great job of adding an extra layer of barrier or protection for your garden bed. Dogs and other creatures never like to be poked or be stuck with things like thorns or other spiky objects so this is a great way to add some reinforcement if your pet seems to be persistent when it comes to approach the initial barrier you set up.

                #3 – Spice & Stink Things Up

                Dogs don’t like spicy things, so a great way to keep them away is to sprinkle some mustard powder or red pepper chili flakes in and around your garden. When they approach and take a whiff, they’ll smell the spice and be deterred from going any further. You can also sprinkle these ingredients around the outside and perimeter of the garden so it keeps them from even getting close. Dogs are also can’t stand the smell of vinegar and ammonia! To utilize the distracting smell of ammonia or vinegar to keep your pups at bay, try pouring some into coffee filters and placing them around the perimeter of the garden bed.

                #4 Use a Motion Activated Sprinkler

                We all know that most dogs don’t like water. A motion activated water sprinkler is a great way to keep them at a certain distance should they get too close to your garden bed. They can be picked up from online retailers like Amazon and can come in handy for a variety of things, like playing pranks of friends, family and neighbors. You didn’t hear it from us though!

                #5 Train Them To Recognize The NoNo Zones

                At some point, your dog will inevitably find his way into various spots on the house or backyard that he shouldn’t go to. When he does, it’s important that you make it clear to him that he is not allowed in that are. Use a commanding voice, point at the area he is not supposed to go to and firmly say NO. Give him a light pat on the nose or but to make the point clear. Your dog will naturally pick up on your disappointment and tone of voice and will learn over time that they should shy away from those areas. It’s important that you do this early on from the beginning and stay consistent until they learn.  Training your pup with different off-leash techniques will allow them to feel their freedom while performing at their best behavior when traveling your backyard.

                #6 Create a Pooch Path

                Depending on where your garden is placed, you can lay down some carpet, mulch or soil in a specific area for your dog to get through. This gives them the opportunity to get through your garden to his desired location without destroying it and walking through growing fruits, vegetables and flowers.

                #7 Consider Container Gardening

                If after all these methods you still have trouble preventing your dog from getting into the garden, consider gardening with medium to large sized containers. This way, you’re dog will be much less likely to jump in and destroy the growing crops.

                #8 Have Designated Areas For Your Dog To Play or Roam

                This goes back to establishing boundaries and limits for your pooch. Ideally, you want it to be away from your garden bed to prevent any mishaps or accidents, but if your dog seems trained enough, their play area could be near the garden. To ensure you don’t get any surprises, utilize some of the above strategies such as a fence, thorny barriers and olfactory deterrents to prevent them from getting too close.

                #9 Reward Your Dog For Good Behavior

                As part of the training method, it’s important to reward your dog when he listens and follows directions. Rewarding your dog for good behavior is actually one of the most well known and effective ways for properly training your dog and getting them to behave the way you want them to. Have some treats handy in your backyard or outside somewhere so you can quickly reward them when they do as you say.

                #10 Keeps Toys Around in the Backyard

                You’re dog will never turn down the opportunity to play with a good toy. By having toys around in the backyard, you’ll have something handy to keep them distracted and occupied so that they’ll pay less attention to your garden. It can also serve as an emergency fetch toy should you see them getting too close!

                So there you have it! 10 creative ways to keep your dog away from your beautiful garden. If you implement 3 or more of these, you should be golden when it comes to your dog understanding that the garden bed is not for exploring or play.

                Let us know in the comments below which tip or trick you found to be the most effective. Also, if you have any tips or tricks that we missed, let us know! We’ll be happy to add onto our list.

                3 Commands for a Happier Dog

                Dogs are truly man’s best friend, and a well-trained dog is a happy dog and wonderful companion.  Dogs thrive in a structured, nurturing home with set routines, and even playtime requires some boundaries in order to be done right. The key to establishing effective routines with your dog begins with a set of common commands.

                According to Canine Commander, Chris Hanley, a former K-9 handler from upstate New York, there are seven crucial commands to teach your dog in order to have a well-trained, well-adjusted pet: “come,” “sit,” “down,” “stay,” “heel,” “no,” and “off.”[1]  This article will explore three that your dog can learn within a month: “come,” “stay,” and, with the now-common practice of crating, “kennel” or “in your kennel.”

                While seemingly simple and direct, we humans easily and unintentionally mess up these very vital, yet rudimentary commands.  Let’s look at the ways we can establish a more compliant environment with our dogs.  Return home to read more about the best containment methods for our pets.

                If Your Dog Won’t Come When Called

                Let’s start with the basic command to “come.”  Realize that this is a twofold request: to leave the desired activity, and to then move toward your voice. For some insight, try to imagine you, as a child, being called inside from playing with your friends.  Was it ever an effortless transition? No!  The same goes for your curious, adventurous dog; it’s not easy to suddenly stop an activity and leave it.  But there are a few guidelines to help this basic command become automatic:

                • At first, make it a fun game, replete with treats. While still inside, a couple of times per day (mealtimes may work best,) show your dog the treat you have.  Then, once you have his attention, move away a good 10-20 feet, direct your voice to the spot you want him (near you, not right in front of you) and shout “come.”  Reward him with the treat as soon as he arrives.
                • Now, take the fun elsewhere around the house and even outside. Make it a game so your dog associates “come” with fun times!  Sarah Hodgson has a number of helpful videos on her YouTube channel, When Dogs Talk. [2] “What’s in the Grass?” and “Hide and Seek” are two of several fun ways to teach your dog this command, while having fun playing with you.
                • Once you feel comfortable enough to practice this command for real, away from home and familiar environments, find a safe place far from busy highways and crowded areas. Call out to your dog, in any direction BUT directly at him, and do so with an enthusiasm that will pique his inborn curiosity and sense of adventure. Remember to direct the sound of your voice in the area you want him to go.

                In Your Kennel

                The next useful command is “kennel,” sometimes known as “kennel up” or “in your kennel.”  With the return of women in droves to the workforce in the seventies and eighties, suddenly, no one was home to watch the family pet.  This was a particular nuisance to apartment dwellers, lacking a yard or any wide open, safe space.  Pet owners began using kennels, or, as they are now known, crates, to corral dogs from destroying their homes during the workday.  The practice caught on as a result of pet owners reporting an attendant decrease in nuisance behavior, decreased potty accidents in puppies, increased mental well-being and overall calmness, all related to crate training. [3]

                If you are reading this and are aghast at this practice, consider this: while we as humans see any kind of enforced enclosure as punitive, a dog will experience it as structure and, therefore, comfort.  Look up “crate training” or “crate training a puppy” and while there are a number of detractors, crate training has many dog-loving advocates who can help assuage your concerns about this type of application to your daily routine.

                When you find yourself with a dog who refuses, either initially or suddenly, to enter his crate, there are many ways to help reestablish the habit.  First, do not ever try to force the dog into the crate. Dogs love an alpha but detest bossiness.

                Second, evaluate where you are in relation to the crate- are you blocking it? If so, move!

                Third, remember how we discussed pointing your voice away from the dog and where you want him to go? Avoid looking or staring at your dog as you request he enter the crate.  A stare-down will invite play or confrontation from him, but not compliance.

                Fourth, try a number of small steps to get him comfortable around the crate, such as moving his food bowl closer and closer to the crate, or placing a special treat inside the crate as you direct your voice toward it. You can get your kids in on the fun and have one of them crawl inside the crate! These ideas are meant to impart the idea that the crate is a place of reward and relaxation.

                Teaching Your Dog to Stay

                For our third crucial command, we have chosen “stay.”  How is it that we continue to fail at mastering this most basic and necessary of commands? A common scene at the dog park involves a well-intentioned and loving dog owner standing directly in front of their pet, usually with a hand out, gesturing, while shouting, “stay!”

                Let’s start with the position of the owner.  Facing the dog is an invitation to one of two things: play or fight.  Add in sustained eye contact and you have one confused pup.  In order to better train your dog to stay, follow these guidelines:

                • Make sure you are next to or angled away from your dog, with feet facing the same direction.
                • Open your palm and extend it out. Dogs understand this as a sign to stay.
                • Slowly, one treat at a time, reward your dog for remaining still. Gradually increase the amount of time between treats.
                • At this point, you can let your dog go with an “okay” or “play.” Give him lots of praise.
                • If he gets up before you say “okay” or “play,” walk away and look away for a couple of minutes. This should prompt him to bark and gain your attention.

                You can begin to incorporate more commands with frequently used words from your daily life, such as “ball,” “bone,” “outside,” and “car.”   Using these new commands will create the fun and joyful environment your dog deserves!




                10 Steps to Ensure Your Home is Puppy Ready

                Bringing a new puppy into the family can be one of the most exciting, loving and rewarding experiences for a family. Having a pet in the family is said to help bring families closer together while promoting feelings of happiness, closeness and relaxation. In addition, there’s been many studies done showing that pets in general help reduce stress, anxiety and can help many people cope with various difficulties in life.

                With that being said, if you’re reading this article and you’re bringing a new furry friend into your life, you’re in luck! Because we’re going to cover a series of important steps from pet containment to potty training that you’ll need to consider to ensure you and your pup have a great first experience in your new home together.

                Bringing a new pet into your home can be very exciting, but it’s important to know that it comes with great responsibility and effort.

                So, here’s a 10 Step Checklist of items you’ll need to plan on accordingly to ensure you and your new pup have a smooth introduction and transition to becoming best friends and roommates for life.

                Keep in mind they aren’t listed in any particular order:

                #1 – Have a Family Meeting

                If you’re single, this may not apply to you. But, you may want to talk to a few friends or family members to ensure that someone will be around to do some dog-sitting should you ever decide to go out of down or on a vacation. However, if there’s more than one of you in the family, this is very important.

                You want to make sure that everyone in the family is on board with having a new dog in the house and that any concerns are addressed beforehand. During this meeting you should discuss who the primary caretaker will be for the dog will be in terms of walking, feeding, playing and cleaning up the poop, yes we said it!

                Will you feed him normal food or treats from the dinner table? You’ll want to agree on a set of commands that everyone will use to create consistency. Who’s in charge when the person responsible is absent? All important things to discuss to prevent any future surprises.

                In addition, you also want to make sure you have someone old enough and responsible to be able to take your dog to vet appointments when necessary.

                It’s always a great idea to divvy up the responsibility between family members to lighten the load and to give everyone a chance to develop a deeper relationship with your new pup.

                Once you address these concerns, write them down on a calendar or piece of paper to make sure nobody forgets and stays accountable. This way, everything is clear and everyone knows their responsibilities.

                #2 – Get The Right Supplies

                This can include a puppy cage or crate, food and water bowls, treats, collars and leashes, beds, toys and chew toys, stain cleaners and odor removers, fake grass, potty training pads, and some indoor & outdoor pet fences, gates to keep your pet contained in a certain area.

                Depending on the age, breed and size of your dog, all of these items will vary, so it’s important to do a little research and diligence ahead of time to ensure you get all of the right supplies & equipment.

                #3 – Prepare Your House And Your Dog’s Living Quarters

                This is one is important, so take notes! You’re new little friend is going to be very curious as he moves into his new home. He’s also going to start teething in a matter of weeks and is going to be on a biting and chewing rampage. So, it’s a good idea to make sure you don’t have random, loose items laying around like clothing, shoes, wallets, books, papers, toiletries, plants, electronics / cords and other household items that your dog could grab a bite of.

                Also make sure you keep your dog out of the kitchen to prevent them from accidentally opening and drawers or cabinets and eating or swallowing something that could harm or poison them. This is especially important for medicine cabinets.

                Once you feel like you’ve done a good job of puppy-proofing your home, you should lay down onto the ground and get eye level to look around once more for anything you may have missed.

                Ideally you want to set your pup up somewhere in the middle of the house so they can be around people and get attention so they don’t feel isolated. This is important, especially as they’re moving in and getting comfortable with their environment and the family.

                As we mentioned before, you’re doing is going to want to explore and roam your house if he/she has the chance, so it’s important to set the house rules and training immediately from when your dog first arrives so they learn and start to recognize what is okay and what is not. Don’t worry, remember that your dog likes rules, structure and someone to look up to, so don’t be afraid of being the Alpha right from the beginning.

                #4 – Start Training And Setting Rules Immediately

                Most people want to give it a few days or even weeks before they start training their new pup, but this is a mistake. By training them early and setting up the right expectations, it makes it both easier for you and your new pup to get off on the right foot (or paw) while establishing the correct boundaries and dominance hierarchies.

                You’ll want to start with recall training, leash training and other basic commands like sit and stay.

                A well trained pup makes for a happy pup and a happy owner. Everyone loves a well trained dog, so don’t “drag” this part of the experience! It’s actually one of the most fun and exciting for both you and your new pup. You’ll both enjoy the progress and growth that comes out of it.

                #5 Create a Routine and Stick To It

                Unlike some humans, dogs crave routine! Early on, create a routine that both you and your dog can consistently follow to ensure that the important, foundational responsibilities such as feeding, walking, playing and cleaning up after your dog are met.

                Once you establish a good routine, both you and your dog will appreciate this since it provides defined times for you two to be together and to take care of the things that need to be done to ensure a happy, thriving relationship.

                #6 – Install an Underground Pet Fence If You Live in a House or Have a Yard

                While this may not apply to everyone, it’s an important first step to ensure that your dog stays within the safe limits and boundaries of your home.  Unexpected surprises, animals, noises or events could scare your pup and cause them to suddenly bolt away from your yard or front door, so having a pet fence that is invisible will gently cause them to stop and return back to their defined boundary to prevent any unwanted injuries or accidents. 

                #7 – Establish House Boundaries and Potty Areas

                Establish and define areas where your dog can play, where they must stay out of and where they can relax. It’s important that you also establish where they go potty early on to prevent them from “going” in the wrong places causing unnecessary and excess cleanup. You should follow these guidelines for the first few weeks until your dog starts to recognize and learn them.

                #8 – Introduce Your Pup To New Experiences Slowly

                Take them to pet stores to socialize, introduce them to parks (maybe not dog parks until they’re older), new environments, friends and family to prevent aggression and isolation as they get older. Just like a baby, they’ll be curious and will love to learn and discover new things.

                #9 – Consider Getting Them Microchipped

                It only costs around $25 at your local vet or shelter and will put your mind at ease to know that you’ll always know where they are in case they get lost.

                #10 Keep Your Dog Confined To Their Doggy Den When You’re Away

                This ensures established boundaries and prevents any unexpected surprises when you come back home. Also, when they’re young, it is important to establish dominance and teach them that they don’t get free reign on the house. Their crate or den can also be used as a form of punishment to help them learn when they do something bad. It’s also important to keep them in their den around small children initially for safety reasons as well.

                These 10 tips are going to serve as the foundation to ensure you have a smooth experience when it comes bringing a new pup into your home! If there are any other tips you feel are important that we may have left out or missed, let us know in the comments section below.

                Also, let us know the name of your new pup and what breed they are! We’d love to know!

                How old should my puppy be before being introduced to my Pet Stop hidden fence?

                There are plenty of examples of 8 week old pets being trained, especially in recent years since GentleSteps training was introduced.  The basic premise of GentleSteps training is to break the process into smaller, easier to teach steps.   This allows Pet Stop owners to teach with very low correction levels until the pet shows some light avoidance, followed by a gradual increase in both distraction/temptation and correction levels.

                The net effect is that if your 8 week old puppy is happy, hearty and healthy, you are only a week or two of training away from a contained pet.

                If you have any concerns that your pet may be easily stressed or does not bounce back quickly from stressful events, then waiting a few more weeks is a better strategy.

                The emphasis on treats (meat type reinforcers, not kibble!) also helps all dogs and puppies enjoy the process more.

                Especially with young pups, keep the training brief and the play session long.  One of the most important elements of dog fence training is significant portion of the time spent playing in the yard, particularly near the flag line.

                Fleas Are Not Your Friends

                puppy-scratching-fleas-300x282Chances are that if your dog has fur he has had fleas at some point. Actually, even if your dog doesn’t have fur they can still get fleas; they just hide better in fur. At some point you’re going to need to do something about them if you haven’t already. So let’s get down to it.

                There are plenty of medicinal options out for there you to choose from – Frontline, Advantage, etc. – and there are plenty of versions – pills, topical, injections. Is any one going to be better than the other? Absolutely, but with a few clauses.

                Quick tip: giving your dog a bath regularly will help in the fight against flea prevention. Be sure to use the right kind of shampoo and begin at your dog’s head and neck, working your way down.

                First off, every dog is going to react differently to various medications just as a human would. For example, one dog may do very well with a pill form of flea prevention and do very badly with the exact same brands’ topical version. It is also important to take into consideration your dogs’ weight as getting the best application is based on this. There are also medications that are made specifically for certain breeds and weights. This is why it’s important to speak with your veterinarian about the best choice for your dog.

                Your veterinarian will be able to tell you what has the best track record for what breed, age and environment your dog lives in. So remember that if your first choice didn’t work there are several explanations. One possible reason is your dog has sensitive skin. There are some breeds that react badly to topical ointments and other dogs that simply may just be allergic to that type of flea treatment.

                Remember that after applying your chosen medication, fleas will continue to hatch and appear on your dog for several days. In fact, it can take up to a month for the medication to take full effect. The strength of each medicine will vary, but know that your veterinarian can prescribe stronger flea medication than you could buy in a store on your own.

                Quick tip: if your dog has fleas, use a flea comb regularly to remove them. Keep a bowl of soapy water nearby and dip the comb in after each pass.

                After giving your dog the medication there are also monthly applications available. This is a great preventive measure to use on an ongoing basis, especially if you dog is primarily outdoors. It’s also possible to treat your house or yard for fleas by using water-proof chemicals. This may speed up the process of getting rid of them.

                Multi-preventive medications are injections or monthly pills for your dog that guard against fleas, ticks, or other parasites. Injections are not only becoming more popular because of their effectiveness at killing fleas, but also their longevity – a typical flea prevention injection will last up to 6 months!

                With knowledge on new products, success rates, and breed specific options, your vet will be able to recommend the best option for you and your dog.

                Walk it Out

                Walk it Out

                Providing structure and a routine of exercise for your dog goes a long way. One thing to note is that dogs do not often entertain themselves. For example, your dog barking can simply be out of boredom. If you have a dog that is misbehaving, one reason can be due to an over abundance of energy and not enough outlets for that energy.

                This is all the more reason to take your dog on routine daily walks. This will provide them with an activity they love, a time to bond with your dog, and a great way for them to release all that built up energy.

                Getting Ready

                Your dog knows when it’s time to go on a walk. Most likely they’re all over you when they see you grab their leash. So it’s important to understand just how important a walk is to them. It’s a great time for them to get out and explore and expend some of that curious energy, but make sure they know the rules.

                Before you go out consider having a routine with your dog. You can relay various commands to them as you and your dog get ready, such as having your dog “stay” while you calmly put their leash on. Providing a calm environment before you go on the walk will help reinforce good behavior on the walk. Make sure to also reward your dog for good behavior so they know they’re doing something right.

                Who’s Walking Who?

                A common problem many dog owners experience is their dog actually walking them and not the other way around. Your dog will naturally be excited by the big wide world, but that doesn’t mean they should have the freedom to pull you around your neighborhood. When you walk your dog make sure they are either beside you or behind you; this helps to reinforce your relationship and establishing you in the clear role of leader.

                While your dog will enjoy their walk it should not be looked at as a time for overexcitement and play. Your dog should understand that a walk is a calm activity. You can help to reaffirm this environment for your dog in various ways.

                If you find your dog is running ahead of you or becoming over excited, stop your walk, calm your dog down and wait patiently until they’re ready to continue. When you start walking again make it a casual movement so as not to pull your dog out of their calm state.

                When and Why to Walk

                Become-A-Dog-Walker-300x225If you work during the day and your dog is left home by themselves, you should walk your dog before leaving for work. This will put your dog in a “rest” state and help to curb destructive behaviors while you are gone. You should also walk your dog when you get home as they’ll be ready to go again by this time.

                Dogs of all breeds can benefit from daily walks with their owners. By positioning yourself in the leadership role and giving your dog a daily exercise like walking, your dog will be less likely to be destructive, have separation anxiety, and have other behavior issues.

                Daily walking will help ensure both you and your dog are healthy and happy.

                Safe Travels with your Dog

                Safe Travels with your Dog

                Your dog may greatly enjoy the occasional car ride, but it’s important to take the necessary safety precautions whenever you travel with your best friend. We’ve identified a few of the most important safety tips to be aware of whenever you travel with your dog.

                Safe and Secure

                The best place for your dog in a car is safely secured in a well-ventilated pet carrier. There are wire-mesh and hard plastic sided carriers available for most sizes, but the carrier should be large enough for your pet to stand up and turn around in. For large breed dogs you can also utilize a dog harness that attaches to a car seat belt.

                If your pet is new to traveling in a carrier, help them get used to the new environment by letting them explore it a bit for a couple weeks before your trip. This will help them remain calm in the carrier and not feel like they are being punished or trapped.

                Although you may be tempted to let your dog roam free, this can be very dangerous if you are in an accident or have to stop suddenly.

                Watch the Weather

                It is never okay to leave your dog alone in a parked car. Even on a slightly sunny day your car can heat up drastically in a very short amount of time, dehydrating your dog and increasing the risk of heatstroke. Conversely, in the winter your car will trap in the cold temperatures making your dog susceptible to hypothermia.

                Food and Water

                If you’re planning a particularly long drive, you should feed your pet a light meal before you leave to keep them satisfied during the drive. For water, consider bringing bottled water or your own in plastic jugs. Your dog is used to the water they drink and a different type could upset their stomach.

                It’s also recommended you stop to feed and water your pet. While this is good for their own digestion and stomach, it also ensures they won’t spill everything and make a mess in your car!

                Doggie Documentation

                If you’re traveling across state lines, you may be required to show proof of your dog’s vaccination records. While this is not required in every state, it’s a good idea to pack a copy just in case.

                By having your dog micro-chipped

                Having your dog micro-chipped is also a good safety practice. In the event your dog is lost, the microchip allows for tracking and identification. You should also make sure your dogs’ collar includes information on your travel destination including the address and phone number of where you’re staying.

                Pack a Bag for your Dog

                In addition to the above tips, remember to pack the necessary items for your dogs’ trip. A helpful checklist of items includes:

                • Food and water
                • Bowl
                • Leash
                • A waste scoop and plastic bags
                • Vaccination papers
                • Any required medication
                • First-aid kit
                • Favorite toys and treats

                Following these helpful tips will ensure your pet has a safe and enjoyable trip.

                Travel with your Dog

                Make a Rainy Day a Dog Day

                Make a Rainy Day a Dog Day

                When the weather outside isn’t the best for outdoor activities with your dog, you’re going to need an outlet for all that energy that’s normally expended in running and playing outside. The following ideas are great for keeping your dog happy, entertained and expending energy in a healthy way.

                Hide and Seek

                A simple game that can provide lots of entertainment for both you and your dog. Start by leading your dog to their bed or another room and make sure they stay there for a few moments. You can either leave a treat or favorite toy to distract them if need be.

                Then find your hiding space and when you’re ready, call your dog’s name to signal them to come find you. Their natural curiosity will ensure your dog uses their natural abilities to sniff you out as they dash around the house looking for you. When they do find you make sure you react surprised and happy, providing a “reward” for them finding you. By reacting this way you teach your dog the rules of the game and give incentive for playing again. Consider having treats on hand if you want them to really enjoy the game!

                Ready, Set, Practice!

                When you can’t go outside and play with your dog, take the opportunity to teach them a new trick. A good start is to run through the tricks your dog already knows how to do first. This lets your dog know the routine so when they see something new, they understand there’s a reward for successfully completing the new trick.

                After you have built up a nice repertoire of tricks with your dog, try running through all of them in quick succession. This can be a fun and fast paced game as you mix the order of the tricks each time. Going through them quickly and rewarding your dog will keep them happy and will reinforce the commands and knowledge of their tricks.

                Some of the most common and easy tricks to teach are sit, stay, down, come, speak, shake, and roll over. Once you master the basics you can get into the advance stuff like playing dead and waving.

                Treasure Hunt

                imgresYour dog is great at sniffing stuff out, especially their toys and treats. Take this opportunity to make a game out of a natural talent. If your dog has a favorite toy you can be sure they know exactly what it smells like and how to find it when they want it. For a little bit of fun, take their favorite toy and make sure your dog sees you take it. Then go hide it somewhere in your house and excitedly tell them to go find their toy. Your hiding spot doesn’t have to be hard; under the couch or on your bed will be about right.

                Another way to enjoy the game is to hide their favorite treats inside simple puzzles for them. Consider putting a treat under an overturned cup or wrapping up a blanket with a treat inside. As they know a delicious treat is waiting for them, your dog will love to dig and find their reward.

                As you know your dog the best, feel free to make up your own game to turn your rainy day into a dog day!

                Easy Exercise for City Canines

                Living in a city can have its challenges for dog owners. Parks are not always conveniently located and backyards are usually hard to come by, but there are still many options to help you and your dog get in some daily exercise.

                Below are a few easy ways to stay healthy and active with your pet in a concrete world.

                Walk, Bike and Park

                Although real estate is pricy in an urban area, many cities have green space dedicated for dog and community parks. This is a great way for you and your dog to both get in some exercise just by walking, playing, running, or cycling. If your dog is able to run along with you, there are unique leash hooks that can connect to a bicycle to ensure the leash does not become tangled in the wheels.

                While most every dog park has a “clean up after your own pet” rule, some require your dog to have up-to-date vaccinations and a basic training and understanding of how to behave around other dogs. It’s important to know the rules beforehand so your pooch doesn’t get kicked out by accident.

                Doggie Day Care

                Taking your dog to day care is very similar to a human day care – your dog learns valuable social skills and benefits from daily exercise and play. The fees for day cares will vary depending on the type and level of service you require. If you’re pressed for time in the morning, many day centers can arrange to pick up your pet in the morning and drop them off later in the day.

                Additional services include grooming, administering medications, basic dog training, and various types of exercise suited for indoors when bad weather doesn’t permit outdoor activities. Just as you would a human day care, feel free to visit before you decide on a specific one; you will be deciding on your dog’s care and well-being.

                Dog Walking Professionals

                If you live in an urban area, chances are you’ve seen a dog walker or two already. Many pet owners opt for this route because they work during the day and don’t have anyone else that can take their pet for a walk during those hours. Dog walkers take groups of three or more at a time so it’s vital your dog has been trained in proper social behavior with other dogs and most professional walkers will require this before they agree to walk your pet.

                Many walkers also offer additional services like play time, training or taking your dog to the park. As this person would be spending daily time with your pet, be sure to let your dog meet them first and ask any necessary questions. Be sure to ask any questions you have on credentials or special requirements such as administering medications.

                Finding the Best Option for you and your Dog

                To find the best solution for you and your pet, consider asking your veterinarian or research your area online for options. Many pet owners have online community based groups that can offer you tips and recommendations for what has worked with them.

                Signs of a Healthy Dog

                dog running in grassJust as scheduling regular veterinary checkups is important, so too is being able to understand the signs of a healthy and unhealthy dog. Learning how to recognize these signs will help you keep your dog healthy and happy.

                Cold Nose = Healthy Dog? Maybe.

                Curious by nature, your dog’s first impulse when interested in anything is to sniff around a bit.  However, don’t be alarmed if your dogs’ nose is warm; a dogs’ nose will fluctuate between warm and cold throughout the day. If your dog’s nose is warm for a prolonged period of time or shows signs of cracking, you should take your dog to the vet.

                Likewise, if you notice your dog’s nose is always cold, this could be the sign of a cold. Just as you would expect your nose to be running if you were sick, your dog’s will too.

                Healthy Eyes and Ears

                While some dogs have eyes that tear up naturally, under normal circumstances your dog should have free and clear eyes. If you notice your dogs’ eyes consistently discharging or appear to be red or irritated, consult your veterinarian.

                You should think of cleaning your dogs’ ears just as you would your own. If you notice your dog is scratching their ears more, this could be an indication of an infection. Dogs with more hair in their ears may need more frequent cleaning as well.

                dog running in grassShow Your Smile

                Take care to ensure your dog has healthy and clean teeth that are free of plaque and tartar build up. While you can brush your dog’s teeth just as you would your own, an easy way to help your dog have healthy teeth and gums is to give them treats that are specifically designed to help keep their teeth clean. As an added benefit, they can also help keep your dog from having “dog breath”.

                Manage Your Dog’s Weight

                Most dogs aren’t going to turn down a bowl full of food when you put it in front of them; all the more reason to regulate how much food your dog eats. Dogs that are overweight have increased risk of other health problems including heart and respiratory issues.

                As different breeds benefit from different portions and formulas of food, you should consult your vet on the best choice for your dog. At an ideal weight, you should be clearly see their waist and be able to gently feel your dog’s ribs on the sides. An indication of an overweight dog could be struggling during times of exercise or playing.

                Paws and Pads

                Having four feet means there’s twice as many feet to worry about than you’re used to. While your dog’s pads are designed to be tough and resilient, they still need proper care. Routinely trimming their nails is one way to ensure their feet stay healthy. While trimming their nails, you can also check for any redness, swelling or foreign objects.

                Your dog may not be able to tell you what they need, but understanding these signs and indicators will ensure your dog remains happy and healthy.

                How to Have Fun with your Pets While Staying Active

                Walking or Running

                Exercising with your dog is a great way to keep you and your best friend healthy. If part of your exercise routine includes walking or running, consider taking your dog along with you. This will help keep your dog healthy and can be considered a time to bond and build your relationship. Remember to bring along water both for yourself and your dog though; they get tired and thirsty just like you.


                If you have access to a pool or lake, swimming can be great exercise for your dog and will help keep them cool on those hot days. While most dogs can swim, you should be slow to introduce your dog to the water to first make sure they are comfortable with this activity. Although you may find they’ll leap right in without a second thought!

                The Dog ParkThe Dog Park

                If you have a dog park nearby, this can be a great way to spend time with your dog and provide them with lots of space for running and playing. Giving your dog the opportunity to interact with other dogs can also help your dog to get used to seeing other animals.

                In terms of training, dogs can benefit greatly by watching and learning how other dogs behave and interact with their owners and one another. Wide open spaces like the park also serve as excellent places for games of fetch.

                Teach Your Dog an Old Trick

                While playing fetch may be an old trick, this can be a great activity for you and your pet to enjoy. This activity works better with larger breeds as they are more likely to chase after things than smaller dogs, but you should still use an object that is relative to your dogs’ size.

                While traditionally you may think to just throw a stick, you can also use a ball or Frisbee. You can also throw many objects at once. When first playing fetch with your dog, it will help them to learn if you actively engage and chase after them or run with them after the object for the first few times.

                Your Dog Likes to Win

                Playing a game like tug-of-war with your dog is a great way to get your dog moving, but there are a couple things to note. You should use an ideally sized rope for your dog; using a rope too large will prevent your dog from being able to get a good grip and they’ll become frustrated rather than enjoy the fun.

                If you get the distinct impression your dog is using all their strength to get the rope from you, you’re probably right. Your dog will treat tug-of-war as a game they want to win so don’t be afraid to lose the match. Especially since using all your strength could be dangerous for your dog as you may accidentally injure their jaw, teeth, or their pride!

                There are still many things you can do with your dog to stay healthy including dancing, hiking, agility training, yoga, soccer, or cycling. Experiment to learn which activities suit you and your dog the best.

                Help Keep your Dog Safe in the Summer Sun

                Dogs don’t have the option of shedding their thick winter coats in the summer time. And as your dog naturally pants year round, you may not notice when they’re doing it as a sign of being overheated. During the summer months, the risk for heatstroke increases and it’s important to be aware of the warning signs.

                Dog Outdoors in SummertimeSigns of heat stroke include:

                • Body temperatures of 104-110 Fahrenheit
                • Excessive panting
                • Seizures
                • Sticky or dry tongue and gums
                • Dark or bright red tongue and gums

                Heatstroke can be deadly in a very short amount of time. If you suspect your dog is suffering from heatstroke, take immediate action. Make sure you move your dog out of direct sunlight and into shade, provide cool water (not ice water) for them to drink, and place wet cloths on their feet and around their head.

                Even if your dog appears fine, their internal organs are also affected by an overall temperature elevation. If you suspect your dog is suffering from heatstroke you should follow the steps above to reduce their body temperature and contact your veterinarian immediately.

                It’s important to be aware that some breeds of dog are more susceptible to heatstroke. Short-nosed breeds such as bulldogs or pugs, dogs with thick or heavy coats, and dogs with heart or respiratory problems are at a greater risk for heatstroke.

                When you take your dog for walks or runs during the summer make sure you bring water for your pet (they get thirsty after exercising just like you!). If possible, try to avoid walking on pavement or tar; your dog’s paw pads may appear tough, but they’re also sensitive and can be burned by the hot ground. If your dog is walking on pavement, make sure there isn’t any redness or pain.

                Some helpful tips to keep your dog safe and cool in the summer heat include:

                • Being aware if your dog is in full sun all day; are they outside on a tether with no access to shade?
                • If your dog is kept inside the house during the day, is there air conditioning to help keep them cool? Having access to a basement can be an alternative to provide them with a cool environment during the day.
                • If your dog is left outside for long periods during the day (ie, while at work), do they have access to fresh water, shelter and shade? Consider having a kiddie pool nearby or a sprinkler with an automatic timer to help keep your dog cool and safe during the day.
                • Is your dog’s water dish able to be knocked over and spilled? Consider an elevated or heavier water bowl to help reduce the chance of your dog spilling their water.
                • Never leave your dog in a locked car, even if you think it will only be for a moment. This can turn dangerous for your dog very quickly!

                Following these important tips will help keep your pet healthy and safe in the summer sun!

                Do you have anymore tips to protect your dog during the summer?

                Dog Safety Tips From Pet Stop

                Reflective Collars
                One easy solution to help your protect your dog is to buy a reflective collar. These collars strongly reflect light and are similar to the material on running jackets and shoes. By having your dog wear a reflective collar you help increase visibility for drivers at night and during winter when day light is shorter.

                Drivers have little time to react if a dog suddenly runs out into the street; a reflective collar will help a driver be more aware of the dog’s presence and adjust their driving speeds. Doggie Safety from Pet Stop

                The Dog Wanderer

                Do you have a dog that likes to roam the neighborhood? While dogs often have a good sense of direction and can find their way back home, there are many dangers waiting for them outside of your yard. These include possibly being hit by a car, getting picked up by animal services, eating things they shouldn’t that may injure or poison them, or getting into fights with other dogs or animals.

                If you find that your dog is trying to escape your yard, you can take additional measures to keep them secured. However, as many dogs try to escape out of boredom, there are other things you can do to keep them occupied, safe and secure.

                • Adding a kiddie pool to let them play and splash in helps to keep your dog entertained
                • Taking your dog on routine walks lets them see and smell the outside world, helping to curb their desire to explore on their own
                • Making sure your dog has plenty of toys to play with also helps to keep them having fun

                Dog Proof Your Home

                Dogs are curious by nature, but you can take precautions around your home to ensure it doesn’t get the better of them. If you have a particularly nosy dog, they may get into your trash and eat something that could make them sick. Consider having a lid on your kitchen trash can or keeping it in a pantry closet.

                Also take care to avoid leaving small object such as hair ties or socks lying on the floor. Many dogs can be injured or die from eating foreign objects they find.

                Many baby proofing products, such as doorway gates, work very well for dogs as well.

                Dog Toys and Treats

                While all dogs have toys they love, it’s important to pick the right toys for your dog. Even though your pet might really be eyeing the bone that’s as big as them, it’s important to pick toys and treats relative to your dog’s size. For example, a toy that isn’t very sturdy may be easily broken by a larger dog allowing them to eat part of it they shouldn’t. Likewise, a smaller dog should have chew toys that are made for their size so they don’t injure their teeth.

                Many toys and treats come with recommended sizes and breeds, so just choose what’s best for your dog.

                Following these safety tips will help keep your dog safe.

                Do you have any tips you would like to share?