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Six Benefits of an Underground Invisible Pet Fence

Six Benefits of an Underground Invisible Pet Fence

By Kelley Kombrinck

A person petting a dog Description automatically generated” width=”108″ height=”162″>As pet owners, ensuring the safety and well-being of our furry friends is a top priority. One solution that has gained significant popularity in recent years is the underground invisible pet fence. This innovative system offers numerous benefits for both pets and their owners. In this article, we will delve into the hidden advantages of installing an underground invisible pet fence and understand why it has become a preferred choice for pet safety.

The electric underground pet fence was invented in the early 1970s and the patent was bought by current Pet Stop president John Purtell who created an installation and training process for utilizing the technology. He founded the first hidden fence company, Invisible Fence™ and introduced the world to a new era of pet safety.

The underground fence works by burying wire along a designated boundary or boundaries that emits a radio signal created by a transmitter. This signal is detected by a receiver, worn on the dog’s collar, if it gets within a certain distance of the boundary. When the receiver detects the signal, it delivers a mild static correction or a vibration signal. This correction is intended to startle or deter the dog from crossing the boundary. The intensity of the correction can often be adjusted to suit the dog’s size and temperament.

  1. Safety without Obstruction:

Traditional above-ground fences can obstruct the view of your yard and create a barrier between your pet and the outside world. However, an underground invisible pet fence eliminates this issue entirely. It allows your pet to roam freely while maintaining an unobstructed view, giving them a sense of openness and freedom. With the invisible fence, your pet can enjoy the outdoors without compromising their safety.

  1. Preserves Aesthetics:

An underground invisible pet fence is an excellent option for pet owners who value their landscaping and want to maintain the aesthetic appeal of their property. Unlike visible fences, which can sometimes clash with the overall design or style of your yard, an invisible fence remains hidden from view. This allows you to preserve the natural beauty of your surroundings while still providing a safe and secure space for your pet.

  1. Flexibility and Customization:

Underground invisible pet fences provide unparalleled flexibility and customization options. These systems can be tailored to suit your specific needs and the size and layout of your property. You can define the boundaries precisely, ensuring that your pet stays within the designated area. Additionally, most systems allow you to adjust the signal strength and correction levels, ensuring that it matches your pet’s size, breed, and temperament.Enhanced Pet Training:

  1. Enhanced Pet Training

One of the most significant benefits of an underground invisible pet fence is the opportunity for effective training. The fence acts as a visual and audible boundary for your pet, teaching them to stay within the designated area. With proper training and positive reinforcement, pets quickly learn to associate the boundaries with safety. This helps to instill discipline and prevent them from straying onto roads or neighboring properties.

  1. Cost-effective Solution:

Compared to traditional fences, underground invisible pet fences are often more cost-effective. Constructing physical fences can be an expensive endeavor, especially for large yards or areas with challenging terrain. Additionally, visible fences may require regular maintenance and repairs over time. In contrast, once installed, invisible fences require minimal upkeep, resulting in long-term savings for pet owners.

  1. Preserves Neighborhood Relationships:

Installing an underground invisible pet fence can help preserve positive relationships with neighbors. Pets that wander into neighboring properties can sometimes cause disputes or conflicts. With an invisible fence, you can ensure that your pet stays within your property boundaries, minimizing the chances of accidental trespassing or damage to others’ property. This promotes harmony within the community and fosters good relationships with your neighbors.

An underground invisible pet fence provides numerous advantages that enhance the safety, freedom, and overall well-being of your beloved pets. From preserving the aesthetics of your property to allowing flexible customization options, these hidden fences are a cost-effective and efficient solution for pet owners. Additionally, the training benefits and positive neighborhood interactions make them a worthwhile investment. By considering an underground invisible pet fence, you can create a safe and secure environment for your pet while maintaining the beauty of your surroundings.

For more great information about keeping your dogs happy, healthy and safe, check out the Pet Stop Blog Page!

Heroic Dogs: True Tails of Bravery

There is a reason we call dogs, “man’s best friend.” They give us their companionship, unconditional love, trust, and loyalty. The loyalty of some dogs, however, goes above and beyond the usual day-to-day variety and becomes something more. Sometimes dogs display a level of dedication to their human friends and bravery that it raises them to the level of real-life heroes.


In New York City on September 11, 2001, a seeing-eye guide dog name Roselle became a hero by leading his companion to safety.

Michael Hingson was blind and was working on the 78th floor in Tower One of the World Trade Center, aided by his trusted seeing-eye guide dog, Roselle. When the planes struck the building during the attacks, Roselle guided Michael through the building and down a whopping 1,463 steps to safety. The yellow Labrador Retriever led Hingson through a pandemonium of deadly smoke, debris, fire, and other dangers, getting him safely away from the building before it ultimately collapsed.


A loyal companion, Toby the dog saved his friend’s life against all odds.

A Maryland woman named Debbie Parkhurst had been home alone, except for her dog Toby. Debbie had been eating an apple and a small piece of the fruit got lodged in her throat, cutting off her airway. Choking, she was began beating on her chest, trying to knock the food free to no avail. Toby, her Golden Retriever, caught on to her distress and sprung up, putting his paws on her shoulders. He knocked her to the floor, and jumped up and down on her chest, using his big paws to dislodge the apple. He licked Parkhurst’s face to keep her from losing consciousness until she was able to get herself up off the floor. No one knows how Toby figured out his version of the Heimlich maneuver, but because of his resourcefulness and dedication, he was presented with  a Dog of the Year award for his heroics.


A dog doesn’t even have to belong to you or your family for it to want to protect us hapless humans.

In Mays Landing, New Jersey, the DeStefani family were saved by a small Pomeranian-poodle mix that wasn’t even their dog.

 The family  was watching Bandit for a friend while she was out of town. Rich DeStefani had put a hairbrush into a pot of boiling water to sterilize it,  but forgot the pot on the stove when everyone went to bed that night. By 3:30AM, the water had long sine boiled away and the burning plastic of the hairbrush filled the house with toxic smoke. There were brand new smoke detectors in the house but they did not go off. Instead, Bandit jumped on Jennifer DeStefani until she woke up and was able to alert  her husband and 9-year-old daughter. One smoke detector didn’t actually go off until after the fire department arrived, far too late to be of any use. Thankfully the fire was limited to the stove, but the home sustained serious smoke damage. Bandit was hailed as a hero.


Nemo the Air Force heroic dog
Nemo, a heroic dog

During the Vietnam war, a military dog named Nemo helped save his human partner’s life.

On the night of December 4, 1966. Airman Robert Throneburg and his sentry dog Nemo quietly patrolled near a graveyard on Tan Son Nhut Airbase While they made their way through the patrol, Nemo alerted Throneburg to a group of hidden enemy soldiers, waiting to attack. Airman Throneburg gave the comman, “Watch him,”. When the dog showed he was ready for action, Throneburg then commanded, “Get him!” Nemo leaped into the enemy’s hiding spot. Airman Throneburg followed close behind. R ight away, Airman Throneburg and Nemo killed two of the enemy soldiers but, before help could arrive, Airman Throneburg was wounded in the front left side of his shoulder but survived another missed shot. After being medevaced, Tan Son Nhut, was liberated.

Airman Robert Throneburg received two Purple Hearts and the Bronze Star Medal with the V for valour (BSV). Nemo was one of the first K-9 units retired and returned to the US.

To learn more about Nemo and Airman Throneburg’s experience, check out this Article.

We tend to think of dogs as those cute fluffy sweethearts who warm our laps or take walks with us but as you can see, dogs give us so much more than just comfort and companionship. Dogs have proven time and again that they are fierce, cunning and powerful allies and protectors to us humans and often are able to detect danger well before we can. Many people owe their lives and safety to heroic dogs who came to their rescue.

For more great info about our favorite fur-friends, head over to the Blog page and read more about the dogs we love.

12 Tips For Quickly And Easily Training Your Dog

Man training dog

Dogs are wonderful creatures that bring so much joy into our lives. However, they can also be a handful if they are not properly trained. It is important to start training your dog as early as possible so that they can learn the basics and develop good habits.

Training your dog doesn’t have to be a difficult or time-consuming process. With a little patience and some basic dog training techniques, you can have your furry friend behaving in no time.

Since February is Dog Training Education month, we thought we would share 14 tips for quickly and easily training your dog!

  1. Sit
training dog to sit

Teaching a dog to sit is one of the most basic training techniques. You can start by having the dog in a standing position. You can then gently press down on the dog’s rear or hold a treat in front of the dog’s nose, enticing them to look up and sit. Once the dog is in the sitting position, it’s important to give them a reward. This can be verbal praise, a treat, or a combination of the two. It is also important to be consistent with your commands and rewards so that your dog can learn quickly.

2. Down

    training a dog to lay down

    Lay down, is another important command. Begin by having the dog in a sitting position. Put your hand with a treat in it on the ground and lead the dog in a crawling motion. Once the dog is in the down position, reward them with a treat and verbal praise. If your dog is having trouble, try rewarding them with a toy instead of a treat. You can also use the same command for both sitting and staying closely for this command.

    3. Come

      training a dog to come when called

      It is very helpful to teach your dog to come to you when you call for them. The first step is to make sure your dog is away from you. Call their name and make sure to say it in the same tone of voice each time. Wait for the dog to come and when they do, reward them with a treat and verbal praise. It’s important to keep the treats small and keep your vocal tone consistent so that your dog can quickly understand the command.

      4. Loose Leash

        training a dog to walk with loose leash

        This is a great way to help your pup learn how to walk properly. Start by keeping the leash loose and reward your pup every time they walk without putting tension on the leash. It may help to use a variety of treats and rewards to encourage your pup to keep walking without pulling. If your dog does start to pull, stop, and wait for them to return to the neutral position before continuing.

        5. Leave It

          training a dog to leave something

          Leave it, can be a very useful command when it comes to teaching your pup how to behave. Start by putting something your pup wants on the floor and then put your hand up and tell them to leave it. You can reward them with a treat if they turn away from the item. This can help to teach your pup that leaving an item that they want is an acceptable behavior.

          6. Drop It

            training a dog to drop something

            This command is similar to, leave it, but involves teaching your pup to drop something they are holding in their mouth. Start by putting a toy in their mouth and then put your hand up and tell them to drop it. If the item is dropped, reward your pup with a treat and verbal praise. It’s important to be consistent with your commands and rewards so your pup can learn quickly.

            7. Stay

              train a dog to stay

              Stay is one of the most basic commands. Start by having the pup in a sitting or standing position and then holding up your hand with your palm facing them. When the pup stays in that position, reward them with a treat or vocal praise. It’s important to be consistent with your commands and rewards so your pup can learn quickly.

              8. Go To Your Place

                training a dog to go to its place

                This command teaches your pup to go to their designated place, like their crate or their bed. Start by having the pup in a standing position and then point to their bed or designated spot. When they get there, reward them with a treat or vocal praise. Make sure to be consistent with your commands and rewards for this training technique.

                9. Accepting Handling:

                train a dog to accept handling

                Getting your dog accustomed to being handled is a great way to help them develop good habits. Start by having them in a standing position and then gently petting them with your hand. You can also try playing and cuddling to get them used to being handled. Make sure to reward them with treats and vocal praise for any positive behavior.

                10. Kennel Up

                training a dog to kennel up
                An English Bulldog puppy eats in his crate, facing away with its bum pointing at the camera.

                Start by showing your pup the kennel and giving them a treat when they go in. Once they are in the kennel, close the kennel door and give them a treat. You can then gradually increase the amount of time that your pup stays in the kennel until they are familiar with the command. Make sure to give them rewards and verbal praise for acting appropriately.

                11. Touch

                training a dog to touch you with their nose

                Teaching your fur-friend to touch you with their nose is a useful trick. Start by having the pup in a standing position and then holding up your hand with your palm facing them. When the pup touches your hand with their nose, reward them with a treat or vocal praise. You can also use a variety of rewards and treats to help your pup learn and understand this command quicker.

                12. Nail Trimming

                Dog groomer cutting nails on black Labrador retriever dog
                Dog groomer cutting nails on black Labrador retriever dog in grooming salon

                Helping your puppy to be still and have their nails trimmed can be daunting but it doesn’t have to be. Start by keeping your pup in a standing position and then gently rubbing their paws. Once the pup is used to you touching their paws, begin trimming their nails. Make sure to reward your pup with a treat and verbal praise when they allow you to trim their nails without a problem.

                Training your pup can be a challenging but rewarding process. It’s important to be consistent with your commands and rewards and to be patient with your pup. Your pup will appreciate the extra effort you are taking to help them engage with you and their world more fully.

                As always, paying attention to your dog’s well being is key. This article from the ASPCA goes into more detail about good training habits. After that, if you’re still hungry for more info on caring for your special fur-friend, head over to the Pet Stop Blog for lots of fun articles about our favorite, four legged family.

                Graduation Graduate Dog

                Helping Your Dog Through Summer Fireworks

                By Kelley Kombrinck

                With many areas in the US opening back up after the year-long pandemic, scores of people will be venturing back outside to enjoy the warm weather and beautiful sunshine that July brings, and bringing their beloved pets with them. For you and your dog this potentially means a Summer full of backyard barbecues, pool parties, garage sales, long walks at twilight, frisbee fetching…

                And fireworks.

                We all have seen what the booming, combustive sounds of fireworks can do to the nerves of even the bravest and fiercest of dogs. They cower, whine, hide, bark, shake and breathe heavily. They are, unfortunately, not privy to our understanding of celebratory explosions and so, to them, it just sounds (and looks) like the world is coming to an explosive end around them. The noise and lights trigger their fight-or-flight response and can put them in states of very distressing anxiety. No one wants to see their dog suffer like this but there is no way to turn off the fireworks that inevitably begin popping off in early July and will continue past the fourth well into the month, and even throughout the late Summer and early Fall. Thankfully, there are some ways that we can try to mitigate some of the discomfort of “Fireworks Season” for our four-legged family members.

                Make Sure They Have Their ID

                The first step in making sure your dog is as safe as possible, in any given situation, is to have proper identification for them. In addition to getting them registered and licensed according to your state’s regulations, you should also ensure that there is current owner, address, and phone information on their collar. Also, if possible, have them microchipped with a GPS enabled chip. If they do manage to get themselves lost or separated from you, this will give anyone who finds them the best chance to get them reunited with you as quickly as possible.

                Acquaint Them with the Sounds of the Season

                Another possible way to help your dog through the most intense part of Fireworks Season (right before and after July 4th being the worst) is to try and familiarize them gently with the sounds of fireworks displays. Begin a couple weeks before you expect people to start setting off their fireworks. At a low enough level for your dog not to be disturbed by them, play some video or audio of fireworks, firecrackers, and other associated sounds. Sit with them some of the time, petting them, showing them, everything is safe and ok, even with those sounds going on. This may not completely cure their anxiety, but it could help to ease their nerves some when those loud bangs and pops start going off outside.

                Take Them for A Nice Walk Before the Big Show Begins

                If you expect a particular evening (again, July Fourth is usually going to be the big one) to be fireworks heavy, try to take your dog out for a walk before that all begins. Letting them burn off some energy, getting them a little tired-out enjoying an activity they love with their person can put your dog in a more tranquil state when you return home.

                Try to Mask the Sound of Fireworks

                Another way you can try to give your special little pup some relief from the stress of fireworks is by playing something consistently soothing to counteract the noise. White noise, rain sounds, wind through trees, even soft music (some dogs really love music) can help keep your dog from being hypyerfocused on the loud, disturbing noises outside.

                Take Them Somewhere With Less Noise

                While this option is not available to everyone, the best way to help your dog through the worst of Fireworks Season is to take them out of it as completely as possible. Maybe your relative lives in a neighborhood where they just don’t really do fireworks, or your friend has offered you their secluded cabin at the lake for the Summer. If you can, try and utilize this to get your furry friend to a less stressful environment, at least for the loudest nights.

                Stay in and Comfort Them

                While all of the above suggestions might help to alleviate some of your dog’s distress during Summer fireworks, the simple truth is that many dogs are going to have to suffer through some very anxious evenings. If you can, stay in and sit with your special friend, petting them, hugging them, singing, or speaking to them softly and sweetly. Let them know you’re there with them and that everything is fine. They trust you more than anyone or anything else, and your love and attention and comfort will help get them through those beautiful, but explosive Summer nights.

                For more articles on keeping your dog safe and happy, visit us over on the Pet Stop blog page!

                Temperatures Are Rising, Keep Your Dog Cool!

                From Our Friends At

                The Dog Days of Summer aren’t here yet, but the temperatures are rising and hitting some highs. With that comes the seasonal concerns for your pooch such as ticks and fleas (administer preventive medication), the infamous ear infections (dry ears after swimming), or potential alarming situations with wildlife (this one can sometimes be hard to prevent), etc. But one of the most dangerous, life-threatening concerns is one that we can prevent from happening – heat stroke.    

                Tips For When It’s Hot

                Whenever temperatures are at an extreme, heat stroke is possible. Unlike humans, our animals can’t get themselves what they need to stay cool, so it is our responsibility to keep them safe from any possible danger.

                Tips For When It’s Hot

                How To Keep Your Dog Cool

                • When outside temperature gets much above 80 degrees, particularly if it is combined with high humidity, restrict the amount of exercise.  Do not force your dog to job with you or exercise unduly on hot days.
                • NEVER leave your dog alone in a car, even with the windows cracked, on a very hot sunny day. 
                • Do not leave your dog in a hot room, or outdoors directly in the sun without access to shade.
                • Ensure your dog has plenty of fresh, cold water and a cool, shaded spot away from the heat and sun.
                • Exercise in the morning or later in the evening to avoid the hottest points of the day.
                • Be aware that pavement can burn the pads of their feet on a hot sunny day.  If it is too hot for you to place a bare hand on the surface for 10 seconds it is too hot for your dog!
                • Spray with cool water periodically throughout the day or give them access to a doggie pool where the water is always nice and cool.
                • And hopefully, you have a safe yard allowing your pup to roam safely and securely while being able to reach all of their summer y necessities.

                Remember, if you’re hot they’re hot!

                Dogs that are left unable to escape from the heat are in danger. If you see a dog suffering in the heat, please call an emergency number immediately, and if you can take action, do so right away. No animal deserves to suffer.

                Know Which Breeds are Predisposed to Heat Stroke

                • Chow Chow
                • Bulldog
                • French Bulldog
                • French Mastiff
                • Greyhound
                • Bullmastiff
                • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
                • Pug
                • English Springer Spaniel
                • Golden Retriever

                Signs Of Heat Stroke:

                •  Heavy panting and excessive drooling
                • Collapsing or tiredness
                • Difficulty breathing
                • Bright red, gray, purple, or bluish gums
                • Collapsing or fatigue
                •  Increased heart rate
                • Elevated body temperature
                • Lack of coordination
                • Vomiting or diarrhea
                • Dehydration
                • Lack of urine
                • Muscle tremors
                • Lethargy or weakness
                • Dizziness

                Actions To Take:

                • If your dog shows symptoms shown above seek veterinary care and emergency care if your vet office is closed.
                • Move the dog immediately to an air-conditioned environment.
                • Place cool, wet cloths or towels on your dog’s neck, armpits & behind his hind legs. You can also gently wet his ears and paws with the cool water. If he is willing to drink, offer him cold water, but do not force him.
                • If you do not have an air-conditioned room, put a fan directly on them

                For More Safety Tips

                Thank you to our friends at Syracuse Dog Fence for the inspiration and much of the content of this post!

                How Many Hours Do Dogs Sleep?

                by Kelley Kombrinck

                Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

                Cute Corgi Sleeps On The Bed With Eye Mask. Live with schedule, time to wake up.

                Many of us know the old phrase, “The quick, brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.” It’s a sentence that contains all the letters of the English alphabet, but it also paints our favorite furry companions in an arguably negative light. The lazy dog. As if there is some task that dogs should be working on but instead choose to ignore for sleep. We can also probably all visualize the popular image of the sleepy-eyed hound dog snoozing away on some front porch, dream-chasing rabbits contentedly. The truth, however, is that dogs aren’t lazy, they just need a lot of sleep. It’s how they’re built.

                So how many hours a day do dogs sleep?

                Dog sleeping in his orange bad by the night light

                Well, the answer depends on a list of different factors. Breed, size and age play large roles in how long a dog may need to sleep during the day, but there are other less-easily defined variables that can affect this too. Where the dog lives and what the physical environment is like, the people and animals that it lives with, its diet, whether or not it is a “working,” dog—all of these can determine the amount of time a dog will spend sleeping each day.

                Most adult dogs tend to sleep anywhere from 8-14 hours every day, averaging somewhere around 10 hours. This might sound like a log of time spent snoozing, but dogs have different needs and different sleep cycles that us humans. While they may spend more hours overall sleeping, dogs’ sleep cycles are shorter than humans. We usually sleep 6-8 hours a day, and each sleep cycle during those hours runs for about two hours. In contrast dogs, who are polyphasic sleepers (meaning their overall sleep is broken up into different times throughout the day) have sleep cycles that last about 45 minutes. They spend less time in REM sleep (the sleep where dreaming occurs) than we do as well. They spend this time most likely dreaming of activities and memories from their day, just as we do, and unless they seem to be in distress, it is good to let them sleep fully through this cycle.

                Sleep patterns for dogs can also be disrupted by stressful events, just like humans. A person may notice their dog having trouble getting good consistent rest after a move to a new home, or changes in the family dynamic or schedule. A new baby in the house, a relative visiting from out of town, or even something like the kids’ sports suddenly keeping the family out of the house more can all affect how well your dog is sleeping. It’s always a good idea to keep an eye on how your furry friend is sleeping. Get to know their routines and habits so that if something changes, you can maybe pinpoint what might be causing your dog’s sleep to be disturbed. In this way you can find ways to help get your companion back to its normal schedule.

                Dogs need their sleep just like we do, and dogs who sleep regularly are generally happier and healthier. Exercise and a proper diet can both contribute to the quality of your dog’s sleep, and the better quality sleep your dog is getting, the better quality of life they are getting.

                Come visit us on the blog page at for more fun and information all about those sweet, furry little friends.

                Longhair dachshund puppy asleep on a bed.

                The Foods Dogs Can’t Eat

                By Kelley Kombrinck

                For us humans, sharing meals with each other is a huge part of our lives. It’s a way to celebrate, to grieve, to bond and to conduct business. We probably do this most often with our loved ones, often every night at dinner, so it is natural for us to want to include our special furry friends in this practice. As long as man and dog have been cohabitating, we’ve been slipping food to them from our plates. It’s easy to assume that whatever is good and tasty to us will be the same for our dogs. Unfortunately, this is not the case and there are a number of foods that are not healthy for our four-legged companions and some that can even be deadly. Before you pass your dog that yummy morsel, let’s look at some of the foods dogs can’t eat.

                As a general rule, it is probably best to limit how much “human” food we share with our dogs. Most of our food is heavily seasoned or processed and we aren’t always aware of what might bother their digestive systems. To understand the healthiest diet for your dog, you should always consult your vet. With that in mind, if you do give in to those big, hungry eyes that seem to say, “Please may I have just a bite?” there are some foods that are particularly harmful to a dog’s body and should be avoided. There is an excellent and comprehensive list of foods that are both safe, and dangerous for dogs that can be found at the American Kennel Club website for those looking for more suggestions, but for this post we will focus on the ones that should always be left alone.

                Foods To Avoid

                (Remember, even foods that are “ok” for dogs aren’t meant for them, so when you do share, make sure it is only occasionally, and small amounts.)



                Most people, dog families or not, are aware of this one and with good reason. Chocolate comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, varieties and is in many different foods and beverages that we consume. Most households have quite a bit of chocolate in one form or another laying about the kitchen and it is extremely toxic to dogs. Chocolate contains a stimulant called methylxanthine, and ingesting even a small amount can cause a dog to experience severe vomiting and diarrhea. Any significant amount can cause a dog to have seizures, heart problems and could even kill them. Not only do you want to make sure you don’t knowingly give your dog friend any chocolate, you want to make sure that there is no way for them to get into it on their own. If you discover that your dog has eaten chocolate, it’s important to contact your vet immediately. If you can’t reach a vet, you can also contact the Pet Poison Helpline to find out how best to proceed.

                Macadamia Nuts

                Macadamia nuts
                Macadamia Nuts

                These nuts are a big no-no for dog consumption. Like chocolate, they are extremely toxic to dogs and can cause any number of harmful effects including damage to their nervous system.



                Garlic is part of a family of plants called the Allium family, along with onions, leeks, shallots and scallions. All of these should be avoided when giving your dog food from the table because they can all make them sick. Garlic, however, is much more toxic than the others and has a host of symptoms including an elevated heartrate and weakness that can lead to collapse. It is also worthwhile to note that with foods such as garlic and onions, a dog may have delayed symptoms, so if you know that your fur baby has gotten into the special, garlic-heavy family spaghetti sauce, keep an eye on them for a few days and watch for any signs of discomfort or irregular behavior.



                Cinnamon is a spice with a very pleasant sort of “heat” that we humans enjoy and while it is not necessarily toxic for dogs, it is also not good for them. The oils that carry that spiciness to our flavor receptors can irritate the lining of a dog’s mouth. If it is inhaled as a powder (it’s most common form in this country) it can cause breathing issues and overall will just make a dog feel sick and uncomfortable.



                Certain nuts are toxic to dogs in and of themselves (the aforementioned Macadamia nuts)while others, like peanuts and cashews, are alright in very small amounts. Almonds fall somewhere in between and so to be overly cautious we are including them on our list. While not specifically toxic, almonds can easily be lodged in a dog’s esophagus creating a choking hazard or even damage their windpipe if not chewed very thoroughly. Additionally, if the almonds are salted they can cause your dog to retain water which can be life-threatening if there is any underlying heart condition. Best to steer clear and keep the almonds for yourself.

                Grapes & Raisins

                Grapes and Raisins
                Grapes and Raisins

                Dogs can eat some fruits, but grapes and raisins should definitely be avoided. They are toxic to a fur-baby’s system and eating them can cause a dog to endure vomiting, severe lethargy and possible kidney failure.

                Ice Cream

                Ice Cream
                Ice cream

                Dogs are able to digest dairy and it is not always harmful to them but some dogs have an intolerance for lactose that can cause mild to severe digestive issues. On top of that, ice cream contains very high levels of sugar and sodium, which can cause weight gain, retention and lead to more serious conditions down the line. While it may be hard to not give a good boy or good girl the last lick of your frozen treat, it is best to just keep that last lick for yourself.


                Alcoholic beverages

                Alcohol is a big no-no for dogs. Their bodies react to alcohol in a very similar way to ours except that they experience issues much faster and with a much lower amount. Think of your furry friend as the ultimate lightweight. Vomiting, diarrhea and loss of coordination can begin quickly after consuming even a small volume of alcohol and can eventually lead to coma or even death.



                Like alcohol, the effects of caffeine on a dog’s system are not unlike our own, but are greatly amplified and far more damaging. Muscle tremors, trouble breathing and heart palpitations are all common symptoms of caffeine consumption in dogs, but depending on how much they ingested, can also lead to caffeine poisoning.


                Sugar substitute xylitol,

                Xylitol is a popular artificial sweetener used in many different foods and other products (like toothpaste). It is extremely harmful to dogs and can cause liver failure in just a few short days after being ingested. It also causes severe, repeated vomiting, lethargy and sometimes seizures. This one can sneak up on you because sometimes you don’t know that a product contains xylitol. Some peanut-butters, for instance, contain xylitol and many dogs receive peanut-butter as a treat. Before sharing anything with your animal friends, make sure you check the ingredients list.

                Of course, there are other “human” foods that are harmful to greater and lesser degrees to dogs. If you’re committed to sharing foods with your dog, it is probably best to research it thoroughly first, or as mentioned above, contact a veterinarian who can help guide you. We all want to make our animal friends happy and give them treats that we enjoy, but we also want them to feel good and be healthy. There are so many other treats that are appropriate for our dogs that will give them that good feeling while not doing any harm to them.

                Visit the blog over at for more great articles on ways to spend time with and care for your beloved furry friend!

                Happy dog waiting for dinner
                Thanks for protecting me from the foods I can’t eat!

                Getting to Know President Joe Biden’s Dogs

                Embed from Getty Images

                Dogs in the White House have been an American tradition since John and Abigail Adams brought their dogs Juno and Satan to live with them at the capitol back in 1800. Nearly every US president has had a furry companion to help them oversee the country and President Joe Biden is carrying on that tradition with his two German shepherds, Champ and Major. In fact, the freshly inaugurated Commander-In-Chief has not only carried on the tradition but added a new wag-of-the-tail by being the first president to have a rescue dog, Major, living at the White House.

                The first of these two presidential pups to join the Biden family was Champ. As the story goes, Joe told his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, that if Barack Obama, who’d chosen him as running mate, won the 2008 election, they would get a dog to bring along with them. As we all know, Barack Obama did indeed become the President of the United States and so Joe got Champ as a newborn from a breeder in Pennsylvania.

                Champ spent the next 10 years as an only child, but then in 2018 was joined by a new little brother, Major. Major was born in 2018 and was part of a litter than could not be cared for by their original owners. Joe and Jill began fostering Major from the Delaware Humane Society shelter where he’d been staying and adopted him later that same year.

                Both Champ and Major seem comfortable living in the spotlight and have a strong social media presence. They share aTwitter account (which you can follow HERE) and a fan page on Instagram with over 13,000 subscribers (follow that account HERE). Their Twitter profile lists their hometown as Wilmington, DE and welcomes followers with the message, “We’re The First Good Bois. We’re moving to the White House soon. Our hoomans have decided to get a cat, so they’re not all that perfect anymore.” They have 22,000 twitter followers who scroll their feeds to find out what these two “First Good Bois,” are up to daily. Typical posts include cute statements released by Champ and Major such as:

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                There are also many beautiful photos of Champ and Major posted to both Twitter and Instagram like the ones below:


                This tweet, "authored" by Major, was in response to an injury President Biden received while playing with the young German shepherd:


                Back on November 20, then President-elect Biden had fractured his foot while romping around with Major. In an interview with the New York Ppst (read that article HERE) Biden said,  “I’m joking, running after him and grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug. And I tripped on the rug he slid on.”

                Champ and Major’s social media savvy should come as no surprise as they both were very visible during Biden’s 2020 campaign, and were referenced by him often. They are settling in to carry on the legacy of presidential pooches throughout history, helping guide their favorite human as he guides the country. For that fact alone, these Champ and Major Biden are true American heroes.

                How old should my puppy be before being introduced to my Pet Stop hidden fence?

                There are plenty of examples of 8 week old pets being trained, especially in recent years since GentleSteps training was introduced.  The basic premise of GentleSteps training is to break the process into smaller, easier to teach steps.   This allows Pet Stop owners to teach with very low correction levels until the pet shows some light avoidance, followed by a gradual increase in both distraction/temptation and correction levels.

                The net effect is that if your 8 week old puppy is happy, hearty and healthy, you are only a week or two of training away from a contained pet.

                If you have any concerns that your pet may be easily stressed or does not bounce back quickly from stressful events, then waiting a few more weeks is a better strategy.

                The emphasis on treats (meat type reinforcers, not kibble!) also helps all dogs and puppies enjoy the process more.

                Especially with young pups, keep the training brief and the play session long.  One of the most important elements of dog fence training is significant portion of the time spent playing in the yard, particularly near the flag line.