L. Burns, Loudon, TN

“I’ve had Pet Stop for just under a month and it has been working beautifully from the very beginning. The absolutely only issue I have is that now I have to puppy-proof my entire yard instead of just around the cable :). It took quite a bit of convincing my DIY husband to have Pet Stop professionally installed but your product guarantee and warranties won him over and he has agreed whole-heartily that this was money well spent! The underground fence withstood the ultimate test with flying colors with my two big stubborn pups within the first few days of installation when a few deer were at the end of the driveway. After a short time, I felt comfortable with leaving the dogs on their own in the yard during the day and they are always still at home within the boundary when I get home. This product has made life less frustrating and we can now enjoy our dogs – Thank you.”